I think I’ve found the reason the :dubious: smiley was developed. All I know is that when I finally shuffle off this mortal coil, I hope I have time enough to prepare for the hearafter by getting undressed and placing my body in the traditional “Kenworth” crypt, thus ensuring my entry into Valhalla.
Also check the second story for a peek into the brilliant minds working for the Beckley P.D.:
Ya think? I wonder how they ruled out suicide so quickly?
I once had a toothache that I was seeing a dentist about. I had an appointment that day and was hanging around waiting to go to it, when that toothace struck with a vengence. I laid on the floor writhing and… started to take off my shirt.
My normal person side was saying “Goofy-why are you taking off your clothes?” and my toothace person side was saying “Arrrgggghhh!!”
Well…sheesh, I expect if you were so sick that you were in the process of dying, you might be a tad bit lax about locking your truck. And I can understand that under these same conditions, you might mistake another person’s truck for your own. And that you might think that crawling into the back of what you thought was your OWN truck and taking a nap might be the thing to do. After all, one of the symptoms of heart attack is denial.
I’m thinking we ought to maybe be giving all of the people involved…including the dead man…a break here?