Curious about the name of one of the boards

Hello. I’ve always been curious about the name of the board, “Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share”.

I could well be mistaken. But somehow I imagine there may be a funny story behind the way that name was selected.

If there is any such story, may I ask who it was that came up with that name and how it came into being?

This probably has little or no bearing on your basic question, but when I first saw it I thought it was like some initials of a person named Sims! As in M P Sims. Once I saw it as an acronym that interpretation went away!

I look forward to more intelligent explanations!

Way back in the prehistory of the board, back when we were still on AOL, there was a thread about some completely pointless topic (I don’t remember what it was, but then, I wasn’t there). Someone suggested that the thread be renamed Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share. The thread became a popular hangout, sort of like the Monday Morning Posts nowadays, and so when we got our own site, they made a whole forum just for that sort of stuff.

Heh Heh. Thanks very much for that explanation.

When you said, “Way back in the prehistory of the board …”, I imagined that scene from 2001 a Space Odyssey, with all the members in a circle and each one holding a club and looking sideways at his neighbour.

I believe the original completely pointless topic was either “Titanic Wallpaper” or “Who Was Mister Ruda Duda”. I forget which.

I’ve been on this board for almost 20 years. Back in the debauchery-laden, hedonistic days of the Chidopes when posters like jarbabyj, ** Persephone** (RIP), and the like posted here, you’d hear it referred to in regular conversation as “M P Sims.”

[quote=“Charlie_Wayne, post:4, topic:846332”]

Heh Heh. Thanks very much for that explanation.

When you said, “Way back in the prehistory of the board …”, I imagined that scene from 2001 a Space Odyssey, with all the members in a circle and each one holding a club and looking sideways at his neighbour.



You forgot the video!

Could it be based upon the unwritten short story of a similar name, I Have No Point, But I Must Share, by Charles Mundanity?

[quote=“Superdude, post:6, topic:846332”]

I’ve been on this board for almost 20 years. **

Me too. Damn.

I’ve never met a Doper in real life but that’s how I say it in my head.

And, Boy, I am ever so happy there is a MPSIMS.(:))

I’m picturing the Ringo Starr movie Caveman.

I’m waiting for the inevitable change to MPSBMS.

I remember that as s very funny movie.

More likely a squid. :wink:

Been around for 19 years and I still don’t understand why we have IMHO and MPSIMS. The names don’t help at all.

IMHO is for soliciting or providing opinions about general topics. MPSIMS is for just talking about totally generic “whatever” topics that don’t fit elsewhere. That’s how I’ve always interpreted their uses.

Same here; and I always thought both quite well named based on what I saw/see there. The one I found confusing (a little) was the one about Chicago (?). Something in my brain is saying it had a bad reaction to that title for some reason and always had to re-read the explanation under it.

And yet… And yet…

A certain mod just recently closed a GQ thread on the grounds that it doesn’t belong in GQ, nor anywhere else on this board either. Given the responses it had received so far, I thought it might have fit well enough in Politics or IMHO or, failing that, in the catch-all MPSIMS. I didn’t see anything fully Pit-worthy there.

So apparently MPSIMS isn’t the catch-all for “topics that don’t fit elsewhere”.

What, we’re not allowed to discuss facts or even a mixture of facts and opinions in non-GQ places now?

Wallpaper. Somebody had found a website about the wallpaper on the Titanic and posted a thread about it. And somebody else asked if they had a reason for starting a thread on the topic or if it was just “mundane pointless stuff I must share”.