Curt Schilling for Senate!

Curt Schilling, former MLB pitcher, former video-game empresario, former ESPN talking head and current dank meme creator and Trump wanna-be, is talking about running for US Senate in Massachusetts, against Elizabeth Warren.

That could only go well. For some reason, I can’t stop writing campaign slogans for him.

Schilling for [Strikeout]MD, TX, PA, AZ, MA, RI,[/strikeout] MA! Really, I’m one of you!

Schilling for Massachusetts: Sure I ripped off the taxpayers of RI, but they’re just a bunch of liberal Democrats, so who cares?

Schilling for Senate: I lost less money for my investors than Trump!

Schilling '18: Hey, it was only the PawSox and BabyBruins that got screwed.

Schilling for MA: I’d steal from that heretic Roger Williams again, if I could.

Curt “Bringing the Pure back to Puritan” Schilling: Because we didn’t burn enough witches!

Don’t vote for Pedro; vote for Curt!

Schilling for Massachusetts: Look, we really don’t want people with names like Ortiz in our workplaces, do we?

Schilling for Senate: Screw Harvard and all those other stuck-up east-coast colleges, amiright?
[I put this here because he’s known for baseball and video games. Not sure where else?]

He’s more qualified than Donny… at least most of his pitches were legal and successful.

I have quite a few friends who got screwed over at 38 Studios a couple of years back who won’t be voting for him.

I think he had a hand in bringing back Advanced Squad Leader when its original company, Avalon Hill, was bought out by Hasbro

Wasn’t he a monumental failure as a businessman? How does that makes him qualified to be a senator?

He likely took his inspiration from the Oompa Loompa running for President.

That sucks. I really enjoyed Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning despite it short comings. Maybe if Schilling hadn’t been such a shitty business owner the game might have succeeded.

You’re absolutely right – he’s much more qualified to be President. :stuck_out_tongue:

Schilling rumored to join Breitbart. I assume this means Schilling is more interested in grifting than in making a serious run for office.

The OP presents the case quite well. If he becomes a senator in MA and wants to drive to DC he’ll have to take a route through CT. If he crossed the line into RI our state troopers wearing their award winning uniforms will haul him in on charges of DWBaAfM (Driving While Being an Asshole from Massachusetts). It’s not a real chargeable offense here, but still grounds for arrest.

Moving to Elections.

Saw a poll today if MA senate race were held today… Warren 58% Schilling 24%.

That game sold really well for a new IP. It’s just that 38 Studios had made a deal with EA to publish it in exchange for some upfront cash. EA got all the initial profits for Amalur to pay back their investment. Amalur ended up selling about 1.5 million copies, which is a good number, but they needed at least twice that in order to start seeing any profit. Normally, a new IP from a new company selling 1.5 million would be very happy with that number. 38 Studio, however, had no actual revenue stream and was losing money by the barrelful. Curt Schilling just has no clue and I would think the number of angels willing to float him more money has to be pretty small by now.

Aiming to be the worst senator since Jim Bunning (who at least once pitched a perfect game–which I was at).

Schilling was one pitch away from a no-hitter once, for Boston at Oakland, but shook off Varitek and lost it.

Love the ballplayer, deplore the man. It’s possible.

At a minimum, these freaks are useful in allowing political scientists to calibrate the actual level of the whack-job vote. So he’s got that going for him.