Curve Ball!

Curve Ball

19220 on my first try.

Beat that.

12855 on my first, and only, try.

Not too bad for someone who doesn’t play games, any more.

11740 for me - now back to work!!!

[sup]Yes sir…[/sup]

All my friends are addicted to that game!!
Another good game:


15550, first try. Not too shabby.

At last sweet mystery of life, I’ve finally found you.



20125 on the first try. Stupid computer opponent gets new men on each level, though! No fair!

17530 on my first and only try. Interesting test of hand-eye coordination.


I knew I’d suck at this game, but just over 8000? I’ll stick to golf where that damned little ball don’t move till I tell it!



:smiley: :slight_smile:

241501?? You suck :stuck_out_tongue:

[sub]Oh wait, I suck, 'cause I wasn’t even close to that.[/sub]

Thanks a lot, Aslan2. It’s not like I have a midterm in the morning or anything…

If I fail, I’m coming after you. :slight_smile:

Just topped 16k, going back for more.


Awesome game! Thanks!

What’s the best way to get high scores? Is it better to get the ‘accuracy bonus’ and ‘super curve bonus’ during the game or get speed bonuses for beating each board quickly? Because especially on the first couple of levels you can beat the guy with only 2 or 3 hits, but it occurs to me that it might make more sense to sit around and rack up bonuses each time before closing out the easy levels. I just got 16120, for reference. My highest of my first few games was 18k.


I’m dropping out of graduate school

Feels like ping pong with a lacrosse ball. My scores are in the 21k-22k range. I keep getting stuck at level 7. Grrrr. I can see my afternoon is a waste now. :slight_smile:

I have found that if you are able to get the Super Curve bonus on your opening shot on the first 3 levels, you can beat the opponent without even facing a return shot.

Of course, that still hasn’t helped me get past 30,000 or level 7.

14,555. Damn, that thing gets going!

  1. Level 7 is freakin hard. I came into Level 7 with all my lives intact, and I had him down to 0. Dagnabbit.

Aslan2, was 241,501 a typo or did you really find a way to score 10 times the next best of us?

Because if you didn’t, looks like I’ve got the highest score among us so far.