Anybody got a good customer from hell story?
Yeah, it’s about this asshole who signs up for a free message board and then starts content-free threads expecting everyone else to entertain him.
Ouch! Touché, but ouch!
Is reddit down?
There was this one dude who showed up and wanted to buy my immortal soul. I had to turn him down, though, since I did go to law school and pass the bar once upon a time, and thus was out of inventory.
Actually, in my experience most of the customers from hell are pretty bad.
They’re better than those from that other place on the opposite side of town.
What, is the search function still unavailable to board members with guest status?
All have that holier than tho attitude?
Those bastards are always looking for things with abnormal heat tolerance.
I supposethis idiot might fit the bill.
If so, try Not Always Right.
I was living inside The Beltway when this happened. It made international news, IIRC.
Go down to the crossroads. There might be some there.
Apparently an employee at our local Home Despot hardware store starting throwing potted plants at a customer. To the point the cops had to be called in.
Sure wish I had been there to see it. Bet the story was good too but alas will never know…
I just asked her where the pot was and to plant one on me.
Well, instead of being rude I’ll give you a few. Fortunately for me I haven’t had to work in the service sector, much, so I don’t have too many of these stories. But I have a few. Both from Costco® (from the '80s). One involved a couple of people in a hissy fit over a parking space. All I remember is that the warehouse manager ordered the main entrance door (which, for any of you who don’t know what Costco® is like, is like a huge garage door) be closed because word was that at least one of the two parties pulled a gun on the other, right in the parking lot! (I’m not sure what happened after that. I think warehouse management must’ve called the police and eventually the front door was re-opened, but I don’t remember how long it took for the incident to play out [although memory says it was less than an hour] or what, if anything, happened to the parties directly involved, later)
Another time - and I distinctly remember this - I was near the “Front End” and I heard a customer tell the assistant warehouse manager, “I’ll have your job!” You’ve heard of that old saying, right? “The customer is ALWAYS right!” Well, not in this case! Mr. Assistant Warehouse Manager pulled that guy’s Costco® membership right on the spot. Obviously he wasn’t keen on what the guy had told him!
One more (also from that same Costco®): And I wouldn’t necessarily call this a “Customer from Hell” story but I remember one time there was this older woman (we presumed from somewhere in Asia) who was, apparently, going around the store, opening containers of food items up, and taking “samples” of the contents with her fingers and then closing the containers back up (we were notified of this by another customer). Again, not really a TRUE “Customer from Hell” story but memory tells me that someone in authority at the store found the woman and let her know that in THIS country that sort of thing wasn’t tolerated.
People are ‘being rude’ as you say because the OP is a one and run type of poster. Has he/she come back? Instead of a one sentence content-less OP, he/she should have started with a story of their own instead of, as mhendo says, expecting us to entertain them.
Not to mention, if they had looked in the BBQ Pit they would have found some of what they were looking for in the Workplace Griping thread and others.
Moved to MPSIMS from the Pit.