CV question: ordering of educational experience

I’m currently putting together a CV for a potential full-time voice teaching job at the university that I currently teach part time. Here’s my question: my education consists of a bachelor of music (1999), a master of music (2003), and, most recently, a teaching certificate in K-12 vocal music. I’m trying to decide if it is best to list most recent (certificate) first, or highest level (master’s degree) first. In what order should I list them?


(This is potential IMHO material, but I thought I’d try here first.)

IMHO, the first thing to list is the thing that’s most likely to land you the job. Rationalize your choice from that.

As a possible suggestion, I organize my CV by subject (“research,” “teaching,” and “industrial” experience) rather than chronologically; the timeframes of each overlap somewhat. You may be able to do something similar with your education & experience.

Thanks. I’ve more or less figured that my Master’s should go first, then Bachelor’s, then certification. This is a little muddled chronologically, but both the Master’s and Bachelor’s are from the same institution I’m trying to get the job at; I figure they value loyalty.

My categories are (in order): Education, Other Education (seminars, etc.), Teaching Experience, Other Professional Experience, Performance Experience (full opera/show roles and chorus, major scenework, recitals, other solo performances, choral experience, competitions), and Recordings. I don’t have any research, publications, or grants to list. No awards (other than cum laude, which is listed under education anyway), so nothing else there. Not sure what else to include.

Agree, master’s at the top, then bachelor’s, then certification. The exception might be if you were applying for a K-12 teaching job.

I’m gonna go ahead and post what I’ve got. Any suggestions are welcome (I need to have this in by tomorrow morning). Obviously this will be formatted and have my name and contact info on it.

I don’t have anything to add except that you might mean Manchester, NH ?

Good luck!

Indeed I did. Thanks!

(I also meant Loesser, not Loesse)r.)