Daily columns -- where'd they go?

This is technically about the front page, not the message boards. Hopefully, this is still the right place.

Back in the stone age, when the front page wasn’t mobile-ready or whatever, one could find the weekly column and all old columns reposted daily that week. So, if you don’t happen to look at the home page one day, you could still see the Cecil or SDSAB column that got reposted.

I may be missing something, but I can’t find the other columns posted this week on the front page anymore. I see columns related to the current weekly column, I see the previous weekly columns, but I don’t see the old columns posted during the week. Am I just missing them?


We will be listing all the Staff Reports and Classic columns that we run during the week as soon as possible.

Currently the “Recent Additions” section of The Straight Dope front page (it’s there, keep scrolling down) only lists the new columns; it’s similar to the Archive page in that regard.

With the move to a new platform there’s a lot of adjusting and fixing going on right now. Once all this is done then consideration of new things to the site can be made. Fixing this is absolutely on the list.

We apologize for your inconvenience at this time and hope to solve this problem in the near future.

Do you receive the weekly Straight Dope mailing? You can sign up for it on the front page of the site. That will give you links to some of the weekly content. Look for the link on the front page “Join our mailing list!” if you aren’t already signed up for it. It goes out every Friday morning.

Thanks! I get the email, but I usually just use it for the new column and delete it. I like the way columns come out each day. Waiting is half the fun!

It’s obviously not a priority, and I’m glad they are coming back at some point. I was afraid they were either there and I couldn’t see them, or they were gone forever.

Thanks for the quick response!

Happy to do it. Hope more people sign up for the mailing, read the columns, play on the message board, etc.; we’re doing it for you and we can’t do it without you.

Nowadays you can see a list of the most popular message board postings as well as the column archives from the front page, so if you’re new to TSD you can get up to speed. Going forward, the columns will also have links to related Straight Dope content, so if you want to see more after you read the current column you can keep on going. (See the bottom of the current new column for examples.) It will take time to do all the columns but bear with us and keep reading.

It seems as if all my favorite sites are busily revamping their interfaces to be more mobile-friendly. With some sites, as the SDMB, the result isn’t too bad. With many others though it’s a disaster. (IMDB is a case in point.) Ah well, I guess I’ll just have to get used to everything looking like I’m surfing the net on a cellphone, even when I’m not.