Daily gross story from my mom.

Just got off the phone with my mom.

Got to talking about her past again…I don’t know how we got to talking about tapeworms…anyways, she told me about her friend down east, thats Nova Scotia to non-canadians.,how her daughter had a tapeworm so her friend was watching her go to the washroom and saw the thing come out about 4 inches, she pulled the sucker out and it was 12 feet long about 4 inches around… My mom is always telling me gross stories about her past…either about starving… or how ignorant the people down east were back then.

Do your parents tell you gross stories from their past?

Btw, my parents were born in Glasgow, Scotland so it might explain a few things.

My Mom doesn’t tell me outright gross stories, but she does have a compulsion to tell me about her sex life, which is information I could really do without.

TV Reporter: Can you destroy the earth?
The Tick: I hope not. That’s where I keep all my stuff!

My mom is a pathologist, and when she was in her residency program she’d come home and talk about her day at the dinner table. She has a great story about an exploding cyst that I’m sure you all would love to hear…

Thank God she’s working with skin now. I haven’t heard a really gross story in a year or so.

I get the stories from my mother-in-law, who’s an ER nurse.
Every week we get a new story of some idiot who stuck something in a bodily orifice s/he shouldn’t have.
But the jokes the nurses and doctors play on each other are far more disgusting than the patients they see.

My wife is a nurse at a women’s clinic and my mother worked for many years in various hospitals in various capacities. The weirdest story I ever heard out of either of them was a couple of doctors walking down the hall, playing catch with an aneurysm they’d surgically removed about an hour before.

All I wanna do is to thank you, even though I don’t know who you are…

Nope no gross stories.
Although she is quick to pull out the picture of me when I was little doing stupid stuff.
Mainly when I bring I woman home I am interested in.
Sometimes I think she wants me to stay single the rest of my life.

Destroyer of grammar
matser or typos.
Typo artist fo the world Untie!