DaimlerChrysler, Inc. - Fucking wimps

Chrysler’s been running an ad for the Concorde -

Mother and daughter driving the car.

Daughter: Mom, why am I named “Savannah”
Mom: We named you after the place where you were conceived, dear.
Daughter: But why is her name “Concorde” (pan to infant in car seat in the back)
Mom: (silence)
(cut away to exterior shot of car)
Daughter: Ohhh, GROSS!!
VO: But some people just like the roomy back seats.

Funny ad. Pushing the limits, definitely, but I definitely found it amusing.

But they’ve changed it, now.

Now, the end, after they cut to the exterior shot, has Mom saying:

“Concord, Massachusetts, silly.”

FUCKING WIMPS!! Oooh, some people obviously didn’t like the ad. We must run, we must flee!!

I ain’t buying the car now, you Nancy-boys.


I’m with ya, Sua. I thought the Concorde was a cool car. Now it’s just the epitome of wuss.

What Chrysler should have done was make the commercial totally X-Rated. Something like “'Cuz I fucked your daddy long and hard in a Concorde!” The censors would REALLY object to that, and then “tone it down” to how they originally had it (with the “roomy back seats” thing), and it would have seemed perfectly acceptable in comparison.

I’m confused. I posted this in the Pit, but it appeared in Cafe Society. Obviously, I didn’t make an error - must have been the server.

Could a mod fix this error, which, again, was obviously caused by the server, not me.


Tee hee! Sua said the F-word in the Cafe!

Well, I’ve only seen the new version…while I wouldn’t exactly call it offensive, there’s something really inappropriate about that as a devise to sell a car- because the butt of the joke was a kid. I don’t see how adding those lines made any difference in the message, though- it’s obvious the kid knows that mom is making an thin excuse. It’s creepy either way.

This rant has been done.
