Dames don't like to be called broads.

Or chicks don’t like to be called broads. . . where’d that come from? I’ve heard it before but have been hearing it a lot lately because of a certain presidential candidate and his views on women. But did it start as a meme or is it a lyric, or book quote or movie character? Does anyone know?

I found the chicks/broads things here (can’t say if it’s the first time, or even what it’s from, because it’s late and I don’t feel like looking).

But the other one, when I hear ‘dame’ in that sense, I’m thinking flapper/prohibition era. I’m sure it goes back further than that, but at least in movies, that’s the era where it seems to be most popular with broads and chicks coming (chronologically) next.

ETA, OTOH, if that’s not the question you were asking, if you were asking about the joke, it’s a pretty common style of joke, to substitute one insult for another. Either on purpose, by accident or ‘by accident’. I doubt you’ll find the origin of that, I’d guess that in pop culture you’d find plenty of it in vaudeville, and it probably started even before that.

《Never mind》

‘cum dumpsters’, is that still ok?

Don’t you have a “shift” key?


That’s why the lady is a tramp.

From Weird Al’s 80s movie “UHF”, I remember a line “never call chicks broads”, or something like that. EDIT: it appears that was the link in post 2.

Dudley Moore and Julie Andrews had quite a conversation regarding broads, sluts, whores, women etc. in 10, but it wasn’t a single quote.

You know, biggirl the thread title instantly made me think this.

Apparently not - it’s political correctness gone mad.

I remember a discussion about the “fat broad” in the old B.C comic strip . … I think they ended up giving her a name due to complaints in the 90s …

Tho I don’t think the advice column bits were as funny after they did

My Latin’s a little rusty… any lawyers on hand to translate?

Ah, who cares what skirts think!

Isn’t dame derived from the German damen?

The only other woman in the strip was the Cute Chick.

As far as I know, they’re still “Fat Broad” and “Cute Chick.”

God only knows what the twisted minds of Hart and his progeny would have decided on for names. “Fatassa” and “Bustina,” probably.

Not sure if this will link- having issues with it tonight.

This sounded familiar, so I searched it and this is where I’ve seen it before. It was on somebody’s facebook a while ago, I guess.

You can

I doubt Archie said it, but he would have, given the chance.

I don’t mind broad or dame, or even chick, if you mean it in a good way.

The only ‘b’ word you should call a girl is beautiful. Bitches love to be called beautiful.

I recall a similar line from the Three Stooges. Curly had said something inappropriate to a lady, and Moe dressed him down. “Never call a babe a dame!” Then he turns to the woman and says, “Right, Toots?”