Dammit, next time I'm checking "sane" on the roommate request form!

I don’t have much time before I have to go to class, so I will forgo flowery, witty prose here and just give you the basic facts:

Angel has lots of books about Wicca in her room. Angel’s roommates have seen these books. They assume that because of these books, she will be more open-minded than the rest of the campus. Therefore, they tell Angel a big secret:

They’re part of a huge battle between light and darkness. They have battles on the astral plane. One of them is going to rule the universe for a thousand years about two incarnations down the road. There are anime guys all around on the spiritual plane. They’re soul sisters. Their soul brother is Caine (yes, for you gamers, the same Caine from Vampire: The Masquerade). And Alistair Crowley is trapped in our residence hall’s chapel.



Either they’re trying to fuck with me because I’m Wiccan (Christian Wiccan, in fact, but they don’t know that), or they’re freaking insane. Either way, I find that my beliefs have been insulted, and I wish that our university allowed students the option of choosing a sane roommate.

Wiccan != stupid
Wiccan != insane

:: screams ::

People like this are why I gave up on Paganism. The ancient religions hold interest for me; the modern breed of suburban idiot does not. I got tired of being associated with, let alone associating with, these people.

Well, if they’re actually insane and believe what they told you, then they haven’t actually insulted your beliefs. Or at least it’s possible they haven’t done so intentionally…

Christian Wiccan? Please explain. I thought they were mutually exclusive.

Christian Wiccan? Please explain. I thought they were mutually exclusive.


That’s pretty… uh… 'scuse my language, fucking crazy/

So they’re still doing drugs at college, eh?

I’ve got to agree with dantheman, if they really mean what they say then no offense was given, and none should be taken; it’s just their belief system.

Or they’re mocking you, in which case they’re assholes.

Reason #1412 why I’m a Solitary Druid.

Combine the two, and you’ve got the most likely description:
The doped up assholes are mocking you.

At this point they sound Christian, or at least the more evangelical, fundamentalist part of it.

I agree. They’re trying to fuck with you. So, go them one better. Try to freak them out. Keep a pigs head in your fridge for a while or something. Claim it’s for a sacrifice, then use it in some soup when they’re not around.

They are Christian. I went to Mass with them last year, and they both told me they were when they explained all of this to me. Also, I know that neither of them does anything harder than the occaisional beer.

I know; the thing is–and maybe I’m being a skosh close-minded here–I don’t see any way that they could honestly believe this. I mean, I’ve been friends with them for a while now, and they didn’t seem to be completely insane. Though, even if they do believe it, I take some offense…like fliuddruid and others, I hate being associated–even unintentionally–with nutcases like that.

I’d type out a response here, but that’d be quite a bit of a hijack. However, I’ve already attempted to answer that here. Enjoy.

I always thought wiccans were insane. But they are mighty entertaining. Not stupid though, just insane.

Well…either they’re pulling your leg, either I would try to find other roomates. Not that this belief system is in itself more nonsentical than christianism or any other religion (though including a character from a role playing game is a bit over the top), but I would seriously question the sanity of someone who would make up his own belief system except if this system is only a variant of a well-known one (and except if he intends to found a religion of his own and become rich).

Here’s a picture of the so-called “Joyeuse”…

Sorry…wrong thread…

You know what, that’s just wrong. I’m sick of the Wiccan stereotypes and all the insults/mockery that go with them. I’m also a Wiccan college student (semi-Christianized, as in “I like Jesus, but I like Athena too”), and I’m fed up with people asking stupid questions about my beliefs and thinking I’m insane because of my religion. Last year my roommate was fairly open-minded, yet she was still sort of freaked out. This year, I fortunately have my own room (I was supposed to have a roommate, but she’s rooming elsewhere so I have a big double all to myself for the time being.), so I can express myself without people asking “Do you believe in God?” or “Are you going to cast a spell on me?” Sorry your roommates are inconsiderate and irritating. Perhaps you could arrange to change rooms.

You know, it’s too bad you don’t want to share your religion with others. How selfish.

The Wiccan religion is not well known. Therefore, people are going to have misconceptions. While I agree they should stop short of making fun of you, I don’t agree that they should stop asking you questions. Aren’t we fighting ignorance.

Questions which may seem like stupid questions to you may be perfectly legitimate. Is “What is two plus two?” a stupid question? How about if it’s being asked by a four year old?

Then you add in “semi-Christianized” and make it even MORE complicated. I don’t know what that means, “you like God, but you like Athena too”? So you think God exists, you just don’t believe everything he says, or what? Your religion is confusing. If you don’t want to share it with others, then fine, but don’t get on their cases for trying to pursue knowledge.

If there was only one of them, I’d say it looks like classic schizophrenia - delusions of grandeur, secret connection with people who are fictional and/or famous, desperate struggle with evil.

However, since is more than one, I’d suggest they are indeed fucking with you.