Damn, it doesn't feel right to feel this good

I’ve put a hell of a lot of time and work into embodying the role of cranky old anti-social curmudgeon at work, home, and in my community. So I’m not at all comfortable with this unusual state of mind I seem to be experiencing recently. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve found my self actually feeling happy for no particular reason. :mad: When people ask me how I’m doing or how work was, I don’t even feel like I’m lying when I answer “fantastic!” - even tho nothing special has happend for some time. Hell, over the last 2 years I’ve repeatedly gotten turned down for every conceivable promotion available to me. Maybe this is the serenity of giving up?

But for crying out loud - this morning I was slogging to the train through horizontal snow in the frigging dark, and I actually found myself whistling “Who will buy, this beautiful morning” from Oliver (and it has since become a pretty persistent earworm.) I gotta put on some Stooges, the Cramps, or at least some Elvis Costello or Lightnin Hopkins, and work on getting my groove back.

I just can’t imagine how people can stand being happy all the time. Gotta head over to the Pit . . .

I envy you.

How old are you by the way?

I know what you mean about thinking it shouldn’t be right to feel Happy. I’m one of those people who, if I’m down - I HATE when people try to cheer me up. Like I WANT to be miserable!!! How messed up is that!

It feels like your mood is being made light of when people try to cheer you up -like as if you don’t have an important valid reason for being miserable. Being cheered up reminds you that you are a little bit foolish for being miserable in the first place (even if you are not it feels like that. Or like you’re not supposed to be happy at this moment in time)

Older than dirt, man. At the point where it is easier to take stock of the body parts that DON’T hurt on a given day than the other way around! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yet 17 minutes after you posted how wonderful you feel, you post [thread=501005]THIS![/thread]

They say the mind is the first thing to go, you cranky curmudgeon.

Yeah, but the thought of them leaving the house makes me so happy! :smiley:

Hell, I’m starting pointless self-indulgent threads here because I’m bored shitless with the work I have to do because I’ve been putting it off all week, yet for the past quarter work despite my putting forth negligible effort has been flying out of my office at unprecendented rates. And despite being bored shitless, I’m sitting here smiling.

I think someone’s putting something in the water. Of course, I won’t count out early onset senility!

This is really getting serious. I’m about to duck out of work early to head home where we are hosting my wifes crazy-as-batshit sister . . . and even THAT isn’t enough to dampen my mood. Man, if I manage to be polite to that bitch I’m gonna have to call up the doctor for sure!

Uh, yeah, with parrots, they warn that a sudden change in behavior is usually a sign of illness. You know, a cranky bird suddenly getting all friendly and stuff? :stuck_out_tongue:

It could be the puppies. Golden Retrievers are magic that way.

That happened to a guy I worked with. Next Tuesday is the funeral.

Whaddaya, Dean Koontz?

I was sitting on public transportation the other day and had an epiphany, a thing which often seems to happen while I am on public transportation. I was very happy, and I did not have a particularly good reason to be quite as happy as I was, but then it occurred to me: what reason did I need to be happy? Having a reason to be sad is necessary, because it’s stupid to be sad, a thing which makes a person feel shitty, for no reason. Being happy, on the other hand, releases endorphins and makes you feel awesome.

So don’t worry (about being happy), be happy!

You’re probably suffering from the up side of manic depression. It’s a serious illness, and you should be terrified and miserable for the rest of your life.

Did that help?