Damn! It's kops?

I swear I’ve heard the word “copse” pronounced with a long o in news stories etc. But I just stumbled upon one of those dictionary sites with the little sound files, after a discussion with some friends and family, one of them said both pronunciations were correct.

DAMNIT, it’s such an attractive little word pronounced the way I’ve long thought it was to be pronounced, the correct way is UGLY.

Siggggggghhhhhh… What way do dopers know?



I had to look it up after reading your post to find out what it means. How often do you hear it in news stories?

Merriam Webster says it rhymes with chops, Ops, and tops.
Copse Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster?

Hmm. I’ve heard several people say that word, and it has always sounded more like cope than cop. In fact I think I’d just give someone a blank look if they referred to a stand of trees by a word that sounded like they were talking about police officers.

I reject your reality and substitute my own. It’s copse, like mopes and dopes. Because I so wish it.
