Not too long ago, I was victimized with a traffic violation that could’ve and would’ve been easily shrugged off with a simple warning. BTW, I was ticketed for going “approx.” 53mph on a 35mph zone. According to the ticket, the speed estimation was made by LASER, not RADAR. And the moped cop was sitting on the sidewalk facing towards me on the opposing side of the road.
First of all, why would they limit the speed to only a mere 35mph on a street somewhere in the industrial area – with an average of 3-4 cars passing by there every half hour. And the street isn’t even 1/2 mile long, so racing is out of the question. No one’s lives are in danger. And the street is surrounded by a railroad track and some ghost-town of office buildings.
Unless I glue my eyes on the speedometer like bees to honey – with so much isolation on the road, and pretty sporty car that I possess (2001 Toyota Celica GT-S), it’s really hard to tell if you’re going too fast.
And another thing, there was a Toyota Avalon who was going just as fast as I was, covering most of the length of the road. But of course, cops had to pick on the 'Sports Ca’r that was just innocently ‘going with the flow’ of traffic.
Pardon my venting, though. But should I or should I not fight this ticket? Do I have a case at all?