Damn you, dead horse! WHY WON'T YOU MOVE?

Or: Threads that you cannot escape.

I’ve been getting a huge kick out of the circumcision thread. It’s rare to see such an unmitigated idiot push on dauntlessly. It’s on it’s last legs now, to be sure, but it was fun whilst it lasted.

I also can’t keep away from any threads dealing with homosexuality, even the long drawn out debates wherein people are not likely to have their positions changed.

Education debates also thrall me. It’s like a strange sort of sickness. :wink:

So, dopers, what threads can’t you stay away from?

Well . . . OK, I know it’s mean, but I do get a kick out of teasing religious people.

…the threads that start out with “I do not mean this in a racist way” and the like.

Nothing to contribute. Just have to say that’s the best Thread Title I’ve ever seen.

You win. Game over, man, andygirl wins.

I don’t contribute to them a whole bunch, but I always get a kick out of lurking in the “Troll Bashing” threads in the Pit. Especially if C*ncrete makes an appearance.

I must admit to a certain sick fascination with our new International Man of Mystery, Quincy-many-punctuation-marks.

My guess: Iceland.

I think this thread should’ve been titled:

Damn you, dead evil Nazi groundhog! WHY WON’T YOU MOVE?

Ahem. Different topic: Quince, for some reason, strikes me as Slavic.

Any thread that insinuates there’s going to be a racially sensitive topic covered: I’m there!

Hey, you took that from me and didn’t credit your source! :frowning:

As to the OP: coal, lesbian/tg/ts, energy, recipe, flame wars, and car threads. Unfortunately, there are not enough coal threads.

Awww…poor Anthracite.

OK, I’m gonna sit up all weekend figuring out a coal question for you, OK?

I do it because I care.

All those election threads.

And any thread andygirl starts or contributes to. But that’s not a bad thing! 'Cause it’s not a bad thing!

Evolution vs. Creation threads.

The horse is not only dead, he has been beaten into so many pieces you cannot even tell he’s a horse any more.

Libertarianism debates. I know full well that Gadarene (for example) is not going to accept libertarianism as a viable political theory, but I’m not going to stop trying.

People whining about how the board is run, and about how evil the regs are and that crap. Especially when that’s all they’ve contributed to the board.

Well, over at the old AOL board, there’s a prime example of something that will NEVER die. chuckles welfishly

I canNOT avoid the vaguely creepy threads. What ever happened to them anyway? I want to walk around with a stick and bump it back to the surface. busting out her metal detector

Adoption/abortion, troll threads, and bad customer service threads. And, quite frankly, the JDT threads tend to attract my attention like a traffic accident.


Troll threads. Music threads. As one of the few representatives of my people on this board- the race threads. Parental rights and responsiblility threads. New York threads.

I read alot more threads than I post to.

I can’t pass up any kind of food, alcohol, or cooking thread, especially if it’s in GQ. It’s my little contribution to the fighting of ignorance.

I’m also another one that can’t pass up threads started by andygirl, too, but that’s because she’s so adorable.

I work in the coal industry, kind of. I just don’t think it’s interesting enough to post about…

I can’t stay away from any locked thread. As soon as I notice that lock symbol, I head right in to see why it got locked. Did somebody cross the line? Was it a thread started by the latest incarnation of everyone’s favorite poster, concrete? I’m looking for scandal!

Gotta admit I like the locked threads too.

Threads that suck me into them like crossing the event horizon of a black hole:
Music threads (particularly guitar-based)
Anything that Manhattan moves because the move post will make me laugh (go Manhattan go!)
Threads about children/no children
Nonsense threads that make fun of the SDMB
and sex threads…gotta love those

On the reverse:

Threads I used to enjoy but now avoid like an Ebola:Reston patient:

Election 2000 threads