Damn you, jarbaby!

Because of you, I have been singing that damn Richard Cheese version of Nookie all friggin’ day.

It’s all about the
‘He says-She says’ bullshit

Damn you, jarbaby!

Damn you!


We’ve all felt like shit and been treated like shit, right ladies and gentlemen?

Limp Bizkit choo-choo, won’t you take me hoooooome!

Richard Cheese…for all your lounge party needs.

I just might break your fucking face tonight!


Yeah…I think I’m gonna have to go buy the CD tonight.

You know folks,
I was talking with my honey the other day, My Pablo Honey.
I said to her, I said Pablo Honey I said I said You go to my head, My RadioHead. OK Computer!

I too owe a big loungey shout-out to the jarster for introducing me to the melodic melodies of Mr. Cheese.

Fitter, happier, more productive, comfortable, not drinking too much, a pig in a cage on antibiotics.