Daniel Radcliffe, best know as film’s “Harry Potter” is starring in the London production of Equus.Here he is getting the award and a big guy kiss. WARNING: The article also has a photo of the nude scene from the show, a phot that is cut as low as possible and still be decent.
We saw the show when we were in London last year, and he is excellent in it. And I can’t help but titter “I’ve seen Harry Potter naked” when I watch the movies now.
Nice article, and nice guy kiss.
!!! Happy Trail !!!
Is it just me, or was anyone else hoping for something else when it said “scroll down for more” over the picture of nude Daniel? (Hey, he’s 18 - eligible for old ladies to lust after now! WooT!)
Apparently (according to the Playbill website) Equus is coming across the pond, to Broadway. Will Daniel Radcliffe come, too? We can dream.
FYI, the photo is a publicity still that was released well in advance of the production.
Oh my. Can anyone say Dopefest on Broadway?
Where do I sign up? Seriously.
This is when I thank god I live in New York!
NYC Doperfest to see EQUUS? I’ll be there!
I KNEW there was a reason I moved to New York! Mmmm…naked Daniel Radcliffe.
As usual, you have to love the comments. The topmost one:
Thank goodness a guy-guy kiss didn’t manage to rock my world view.
I dunno, I’m a girl, and if some random guy tried to do a full on kiss like that in front of a live audience, I’d probably be inclined towards knocking his head off, too.
Yeah, I’ve generally been in the habit of punching guys who forced their attentions upon me.
Oh, riiiiiight. I misread the article. Apparently this occurred in a dark alley while Radcliffe was carrying his groceries home and not between two celebrities onstage and an awards show, where this sort of thing neeeeeever happens.
Me too! I just did it some twenty-five years ahead of time in anticipation.
Yes that still of Radcliffe posted around London has certainly caught my eye a few times - he’s got a pretty nice bod I’ll give him that (even if he is a little on the skinny side). I’m tempted to see Equus just to see what the fuss is all about.
As for the guy kiss, seemed a bit random to me. I’m not sure I’d appreciate being grabbed and smooched on stage by someone else, male or female.
Then you wouldn’t play along like Radcliffe did, if you minded. You’d knock his head off and the story would be Daniel Radcliffe Defends Himself From Gay Assault. Which I’m pretty sure I saw on livejournal the other day. But anyway, the guy is an actor; it’s possible they’re friends, DR was in on the joke, and the ever so reliable Mail is perhaps distorting the truth a touch?
I love it! That’s the second kiss I’ve seen between Daniel Radcliffe and a bloke. Daniel, are you trying to tell us something?