Danish SDers I need Your Help, Licorice Advice Please


Danish SDMB members (and all other salted licorice lovers), I need your help. I have a few dozen dollars credit with one of our folk over in Sweden. He’s promised to ship me some of my favorite candy. I’m looking for the very strongest salmiak style licorices made. I prefer the Danish style of licorice due to the high quality of its ingredients. However, if it is the high test double salted variety, I’m prepared to give it a try.

How strong are the Kloak Slam which probably means “sewer breath.”

I’m going to show what I can already get stateside with the links below. I’m hoping for some really strong stuff I just can’t get over here. At the bottom of this page is a list of the ones I remember but haven’t seen over here.

The German Deli also has a good selection. I’m especially interested in the Candyman Salmiakpalen (salmiak powder filled straws), they sound like the Pixie Sticks from Hell.

Oakland’s Nordic House also has a good selection.

Here’s the product guide for Ingebord’s in Solvang. Be sure to click through the various brand headers to confirm their entire stock. They have one of the finest selections in the entire United States.

Another good selection can be found at the Marina Market.
My own preferences are for Haribo Super Piratos, Haribo Saltpastiller, Haribo Salminger, Fazer Salmiakki, Pingvin Skilte Lakrids, Malco Salt Snorer, Salt Ruller, Stimirol, Venco Nopjes, Hindelooper Ruitjesdrop, Halva Salmiak Licorice and any others with a strong salt flavor to them. The last time I was in Denmark, there were these fabulous bottle opener shaped licorice candies coated with salmiak powder. Another one was a sort of “slug” (the gastropod) shape also coated with the salmiak powder. One of my favorites was the Kryshyl star shapes coated with salmiak powder. I do not know if any of these are still available. I’m hoping some of our Danish members might be able to confirm this for me.
Here are some others I want:

(Please forgive my poor spelling in the list below.)


Djungelvrål: Need information on this one. What it is?


Seaman’s Skrå: Not to be confused with Haribo Skipper Skrå. The package shows Popeye on the front and the brown ribbed barrels have a slamiak core to them. Possibly made by Evers or Bonbon. This is a top priority for me to locate and identify.

Opløker: Salmiak coated bottle opener shape

Sørt Krud: Salmiak powder

Kryshyl: Salmiak coated star shapes. Another favorite that I hope they still make.
Do they still make the “pissing ants” (tisse murer) and “dead flies” (død floer)? What about the “big tits” (stør babser) gummi candies? I think Bonbon was the producer of these odball types.

Any and all assistance would be much appreciated in my search for toe curling licorice. Thanks,


Djungelvrål is really salty at first, great stuff.

  • that’s one thing I really miss from my fair home country.

I’d recommand against the “Kloak Slam” (Sewer Sludge), it’s a kind of sour hard candy with a salmiak filling. A weird combination IMHO, and certainly no the uber-salty one we’re going for here.

Seaman’s Skrå is called “Sejler Skrå” in Danish and is pretty good stuff.

“Oplukker” - to me, that just tastes like Super Piratos in another shape, but I’ll admit that I haven’t tasted one for years.

“Krigshyl” (“War cry”) - yum! Great for the salmiak taste, especially if you shake the bag well up to get them all covered.

Bonbon still produces some oddly named candy - you might like their “Røver Huller” (untranslatable pun), good and salty. Sadly, the classical “Hundeprutter” (“Dog Farts”) seem to be a thing of the past.

Tangential to the subject: Has anyone but me tried the infamous candyshot combining “Tyrkisk Peber” and vodka - known as “Små Grå” (“Small Grey Ones”, think grey matter and what alcohol does to it) or “Sorte Svin” (“Black Pig”) ?

1 bag of “Tyrkisk Peber” to one bottle of vodka.

Crush the candy (they used to sell it pre-crushed, but not anymore), combine, let dissolve for at least 24 hours. (If you’re in a hurry, you can accelerate the process with a blender, preferably not your own, as blades may break and clean-up is a pain.) Or you may buy it ready-mixed, then it’s known as “Hot Shots”, but it’s not really the same if you haven’t covered your kitchen in sticky goo…

It tastes like liquid salt-salmiak licorice with the vodka adding a little extra punch, insanely great with a beer chaser. Do not serve in the presence of people unfamiliar with hard liquor unless you’re prepared to clean up after them.

Does Bonbon still make Maageklatter? I love those; not-too-sweet hard candy (with a licorice stripe) with salmiak powder inside. But I quite liked Kloakslam as well.


Juggler, please describe the djungelvrål. Is it a solid black licorice or a candy bonbon? Is it soft and chewy or a hard licorice? Does it have a powder coating or is it just nekkid? I need more information on this particular one. You are the only person to mention it. Spiny, have you got the low down on these? I thought you were still living in Denmark? Did you get lured over here by some salacious SD dame?
Spiny, is the Sejler Skrå as I described it? A ribbed oblong brown barrel with strong salmiak powder inside its hollow core? Is Popeye the Sailor Man still on the label? If so, which company makes this?

Are the opplukker that you saw just solid black or were they salmiak powder coated? The solid ones did not have a hole to form the cap lifter, instead, it was merely impressed into the relatively hard candy. I’m looking for the powder coated ones, they were made of a soft chewy licorice and had a hole in them to create the bottle opener shape.

Are the Krigshyl star shaped? You make it sound as if they’re still in production. Yum! Aslo, the Ingeborgs link for the Bonbon brand show the Hunde Prutter to still be in stock. Do you need me to send you some? What about the Tisser Murer and Død Floer? Are those still being made?

Doesn’t Røver Huller roughly translate into “dog howl?”
genie, click on the Bonbon section of the Ingebord’s link in my OP. They still stock your beloved Mageklatter.

Not quite, I’ll try and see if I can explain it:
“Røver” actually means Robber and “Huller” means Holes. So “Robber Holes” it is.

However the word “Røv” which doesn’t sound that much different than “Røver” means Ass…

I’m afraid that I can’t help much with the licorice questions as I don’t like that.

Though, if you need me to run down to a kiosk and check if some brand is still being sold, just let me know.

If you like the powder, you might want to consider buying a few packs of the powder itsself. This can be bought in sweet shops in sweden either in little plastic bottles, or straws or sachets. You could then dip your own favourite liquorice in salmiak powder.

Djungelvrål is a solid black licorice, kinda soft and chewy. The coating is what does the trick, an explosion of salt that passes and then you got a fairly normal black licorice. Tastes better than I described it.

I will also recommend Tyrkisk Peber, the hard bonbon kind. It might be to strong though, not your usual licorice.

I tried a piece of Spiny Norman’s salted licorice a few months ago.

His supply is safe from me. :wink:

PS to Juggler: I see you’re in Uppsala. Is Offendahl’s(?) still there?

Johny L.A: Actually Ofvandahls is right across the street from me, it’s still standing. When did you visit?

Ofvandahls is a famous café i Uppsala, Sweden. Don’t know the complete story about it but we sing about it on every student-party.

Juggler: 1982. Ofvendahls was one of the only places I could buy coffee by the pot instead of the cup. (Say what you will about American coffee, but at least it never runs out!) I remember I really liked the chocolate rum balls.

We were visiting a high school chum (foreign exchange student). We stayed at a hostel near a lake – “Sunshine”? Something like that.

Uppsala was a nice town. I liked it a lot. My friend’s mom made reindeer sausages that were excellent. For dessert we had some green stuff that I didn’t quite know how to eat. (I’d never seen it before.) It was sort of a rhubarb(?) pudding that you mixed with cream and ate with a spoon. That was good, too.

blinx, I’d be really grateful if you could check your local lakrids boutique for the Sejler Skrå and also the Krigshyl. Those are my two most favorite types that just cannot be obtained in the USA.

Again, the last time I saw the Sejler Skrå, it had a picture of Popeye the Sailor man on the package. The oblong bonbons should be brown or light tan and not black like the Dameskrå or Skipper Skrå.

The Kryshyl should be a five (or six) point black star with lots of salmiak powder on it. I’m hoping they still have it in the 1 kilo white plastic tubs with a red lid.

Please also check on the Død Floer (dead flies) and Tisser Murer (pissing ants). I don’t know if you are hooked on the super salty licorice like I am, blinx. If you are, I’ll take some suggestions about any other new brands that have shown up in the last several years. Please post their names here first so that I can cross check whether they are available in the USA.

I really appreciate your help with this and will be glad to send you some music CDs or something for your troubles. Thanks.


Zenster I’ll check it out soon.

I’m having a pretty confused week right now, after being attacked and my friend sexually assaulted during a bicycle vacation in sweden so it might be a couple of days.


WOW! blinx, please take your time. The licorice is not important at all. I just hope that you and your friend are all right. I’m so sorry to hear that ill has befallen you in any way. Please check in when you can and let us know that you are doing better. I’ll also ask you to please extend my sympathies and concern to your friend. How sad that they have been harmed in any way.

Zenster, both I and my friend thank you for the kind words - I’ve posted a bit more about what happened here if you want to know more.

I’ll still check up on the licorice when I’m back at work though, can’t let bad things rule our lifes.

Like I said, blinx, the licorice is trivial right now. Thank you for starting the other thread. Please take your time and if you have a moment to spare, would you be so kind as to email me?