Daredevil 2Speculation (possible spoilers for Daredevil)

Since Daredevil 2 is now pretty much a forgone conclusion, I can’t help but wonder what villains will appear in the film.

I haven’t seen the movie so I have no idea if Bullseye and Kingpin survive, though the villains do always seem to die in this type of film, but I don’t really see Daredevil 2 using them again as the only villains.

Though I have read some Daredevil over the last few years, the only other major Daredevil villains I can think of are Mr. Hyde and Mr. Fear.

Anybody here know of any other DD villains who might make an appearance in DD2 (Or even, possibly, DD3?)?

This movie (Haven’t seen it yet and I might be in for some surprises) semi-adapted Frank Miller’s first story arc, introducing Electra and bringing Kingpin into DD’s storyline (Kingpin had previously been eclusively a Spider-Man villain).

My guess for the sequel is that it’ll adapt Miller’s second major story arc, collected into a trade paperback as Daredevil: Born Again. In this story, Kingpin learns DD’s secret identity and uses it to get Murdock disbarred, disgraced and publicly humiliated. The story involves a different old girlfriend (Karen Page, his old secretary, who hits the skids and becomes a junkie and porn actress for a while) and Murdock’s mother, a nun. It’s actually a better story, and it was drawn by David Mazzucchelli, widely regarded as the best DD artist ever (Miller and Mazzucchelli also collaborated on Batman: Year One, likewise a high point for that character).

This movie (Haven’t seen it yet and I might be in for some surprises) semi-adapted Frank Miller’s first story arc, introducing Electra and bringing Kingpin into DD’s storyline (Kingpin had previously been eclusively a Spider-Man villain).

My guess for the sequel is that it’ll adapt Miller’s second major story arc, collected into a trade paperback as Daredevil: Born Again. In this story, Kingpin learns DD’s secret identity and uses it to get Murdock disbarred, disgraced and publicly humiliated. The story involves a different old girlfriend (Karen Page, his old secretary, who hits the skids and becomes a junkie and porn actress for a while) and Murdock’s mother, a nun. It’s actually a better story, and it was drawn by David Mazzucchelli, widely regarded as the best DD artist ever (Miller and Mazzucchelli also collaborated on Batman: Year One, likewise a high point for that character).

Oh, another great DD villain who’d work well in a movie: Killgrave, the Purple Man! Also, Death-Stalker would be film-friendly.

Another potentially film-friendly DD villain I just thought of is the Owl. The owl’s best storyline so far is the one where he suffers a nervous breakdown and starts seeing himself as a real owl, hunting the vermin of New York city.

So I thought, why not make the Owl a vigilante who goes nuts, forcing DD to take him down.

Eh, just an idea.

Note: I know nothing about comic books.

What about integrating him into the next (or the third) Spider-Man?

If he’s gonna team up with anybody on film, it should be the Punisher. They make great antagonists, and are about as famous as each other (Spidey’s too famous).

That’s what I’m waiting for. A huge blockbuster with the X-Men, Spider-Man, Daredevil, and the Hulk.

Since Elektra got annoyingly little screentime in DD, I wouldn’t mind seeing an Elektra movie, although I’m not sure if the character could pull it off popularity-wise.

Impossible to team up Spidey and HornHead since the rights are owned by different studios. That’s why Urich works for the New York Post and not the Daily Bugle like he does in the comics. Also why there is no mention on Urich in the Spider-Man movie. They had to split up the characters/locales fairly between the studios.

Me, I’m just waiting to see the big screen debut of Stilt-Man :slight_smile:

Interesting, I didn’t know that.

When I saw DD, and the “Marvel” logo came up at the beginning, I got to wondering: Is Marvel big enough to start their own movie franchise? How would things like what Max mentioned affect that?



No. Marvel was at one point owned by New World Films and the fans hoped that the result would be big movies featuring Marvel characters. Two really crappy movies (Punisher, Captain America) were made at this point, both released straight to video, and I’m not sure New World even made either of them. Combin these with lamentable versions of Howard the Duck and Fantastic Four and you have a curse of legendary proportions associated with Marvel film projects.

Stan Lee, from about 1974 on, had as his primary job the task of giving movie rights away to any interested party in the hopes that major films would get made and the comics would benefit. This resulted in multiple parties having competing versions of the same characters preventing each other from getting made.

Starting around 1992 (while the low-budget Fantastic Four was in post-producton), Marvel execs made an effort to knuckle down and get the rights back and reserve them for serious, viable filmmakers. From X-Men onward this strategy has paid off.

I’m sorry, that should have read “From Blade onward this strategy has paid off.”

But isn’t that Marvel logo cool though? Gives me chills :slight_smile:

But isn’t that Marvel logo cool though? Gives me chills :slight_smile: