Dark Side names for the Star Wars prequels. I'm a bit dissapointed. . .

[MST3K]Candian villian: Garth Vader.[/MST3K]

Yep. I have no idea who came up with the name, but that the Emperor’s name was Palpatine has been known for ages.


I added Palpatine to that post just to be silly. Since we’re in a silly thread after all.

(Stay tuned for the multiple Python refs to come from this post)

:dubious: Do you just say " 'Tis a silly place." ? Well, it’s only a model. :slight_smile:

We can only hope. :smiley:

You rang? Of course, if there were a Marxist Sith, he could be Darth Kapital.

A Marxist Sith?

Darth Harpo

I want to meet Darth Ebriated and Darth Toxicated, but Darth Continent should be avoided.

A malign but perpetually late Sith would be Darth Tardly.

Darth VanHalen would say . . . “I don’t feel Darth Tardly”.

:: ducks & runs ::

And then there was Darth Ray. I think he lived back in the 1920’s.

Everytime I hear “Palpatine” I shudder. Cause it sounds like “palpating”, and that sounds like a pelvic exam.

Darth Fatuation – Palpatine’s original choice for Vader’s new name, until Padme died and took care of that little problem.

Darth Sulin – has to give himself injections twice a day and watch his diet.

Darth Fomercial – stars in late night TV ads hawking that little bread-slicing lightsaber from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

Darth Capacitated – He wields the force from his wheelchair.

Darth Corrigible – Don’t en-corrige him!

Darth Cognito – Uses the force to stay unobserved.

Darth Conceivable – I do not think he means what you think he means.

Darth Subordination didn’t last too long.
Darth Curable-Stutter “Feel the power of the d’d’d’d’d’dark side of the force”
Darth Concevable “The force does not mean what you think it means.”

Simupost :slight_smile: Great minds think alikle, but don’t spell alike.

Why restrict to words starting with “in-”?

Darth Potent hawks Viagra.
Darth Gruntled hates his job.
Darth Enfranchised keeps supporters of the Rebels from voting.
Darth Friendly is rude.

A George Lucas cross-over movie with a female Sith:

Darth Diana Jones and the Jedi Temple of Doom

Well, there’s always that bastion of Sith bureaucracy,

Darth Flexible.

Darth Salubrious honed his dark powers by hanging out in sleazy bars.

Darth Digo went over to the Dark Side after being spoiled by New Age parents.

Darth Fidel’s Cuban accent more than makes up for his lack of faith.