Date inaccuracy in thread scroll bar

Hmm yeah that does seem to be a bug, I can repro. Jumping to the bottom (try pressing the end key on your keyboard, though there are 4-5 different ways to get there) I definitely see

7040 / 7040
Jan 2020

in the vertical timeline. I’ll post on our internal Discourse and see what we can figure out.

The odd thing, as shown by the pix posted in this thread, is that not all users are seeing the same thing. Some the correct result, others see the bogus result.

Is there another key that goes to the last post? Practically no laptop keyboards have an End key these days (or page down, which I used to use a lot :frowning: ).

Huh? I’ve never seen a PC laptop without an [End] key or a [PgDn]. My Windows mini-tablet keyboard has [End] and [PgDn] keys. I’m speaking of US keyboards and I think you’re in the UK, so that may be some of the difference.

For sure [End] keys do not exist on Macs / iPads, although there are standard equivalents: Cmd-UpArrow for [Home] and Cmd-DownArrow for [End].

This PC laptop doesn’t have a dedicated PgPn key. It’s a secondary function of the DownArrow.
However, I do have secondary functions for those seldom used Pause (RightArrow), SysRq (Delete), Break (End). No PageDown key was quite a disappointment when I first got this machine and really took some getting used to. The function key is on the opposite side of the keyboard from the DownArrow so I can’t page down with one hand.

Ouch. Of that keyboard segment…

Insert   Home   PgUp
Delete   End    PgDn

I use the “jump to the top/bottom” keys, whether it’s “top of page” or “end of line” quite a bit! The insert and delete keys on the other hand… those can be voted off the island.

We could have a whooole topic about variant keyboard layouts because there are a ton of interesting ones these days, and whichever ones appeal to you hinges so much on which keys you view as essential (beyond, y’know, the alphabet, numbers, space bar, etcetera). Some people can get away with no arrow keys on their keyboard! Not me, man!

In fact that topic would be fun. I’ll start it.

I decided the keyboard topic is a bit too much for me to chew on at the moment, but GOOD NEWS! There was an actual bug in the date algorithm on the timeline which @zogstrip’s team resolved. :raised_hands:

It’s … sort of fixed. If you move to the end you get the correct date (Jan 16) but I’m noticing the fix is a bit incomplete since scrolling up just a little gives me “Jan 2020” which … isn’t correct. We’ll take a closer look.

Cool. It’s fun having a thread be a good example of a bad example. :wink:

Also, the last post date at the bottom of the scroll bar is still showing Jan 2020. Maybe if someone posts in February, now that the other dates have been fixed, that will fix itself.