For a couple of years I watched Dateline and 48 Hours via the internet. They had some fits and starts, not pretty but watchable. Then they reformatted and now they are almost impossible to watch. I have no new software or hardware. However now more time is spent buffering than playing. So, I am curious. Have you watched Dateline and 48 hours before and after their reformatting? Have you seen new performance problems?
Have you updated your browser to the latest version, or tried viewing with a different browser?
I have found that I need to have a cable subscription, or some such, to stream the recent episodes. I cannot figure out why the older episodes are not loading. My IE and Firefox are current. I have never experimented with any other browsers. Would you suggest a good third browser?
There’s Google Chrome, which is one of the “big three” browsers and widely supported.
Aside from that, if there’s not any problems with other streaming websites (such as Hulu) then an email to the 48H/DL host may be in order – they may have broken something in the newest update but aren’t aware of the problem.