Deadwood 3/27 -- with spoilers!

For those who haven’t yet seen this week’s episode, please go to
this thread.
If you’ve already seen it, here’s the place.

Warning – unboxed spoilers ahead!
There – that should clear the preview.

So, taking up the discussion of why Miss I. says Alma Garrett is going to kill her – I saw no such threat, in fact, a rather generous severance pay. What do you think?

Second – given that Seth and Martha are now on a first-name basis, do you think verbal intercourse was all that went on behind the closed bedroom door?

I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t just verbal intercouse between Seth and Martha.

The scene with Miss Isringhausen and Adams had me completely confused. It seemed like that wasn’t the first time they met. Miss I. certainly seems to be working some sort of angle. I wonder if she’s tied to George Hearst in some way.

I won’t hazard a guess on that. It seems a bit rushed, but Martha is nothing if not practical. She knows that the longer she waits – for anything – the harder it will be. (No pun intended.)

Methinks MissIzzy has read too many too many damsel-in-distress novels if she thinks she’ll fool Silas for very long.

Loved the scene with the four of them on Al’s bed, and the look on Al’s face at the end. It’ll be great to have him back.

I meant to add, I’m liking Ellsworth more and more – he’s one smart cookie.

Speaking of intercourse, what’s the deal with Wolcott? Other than being snappish with the “ladies,” he seems to have behaved himself. Or is there more to come (pun intended).

I liked the episode, except for another anachronism: the frequent use of “break your balls.” We can quibble about a lot of the language in the show that may or may not be appropriate to the 1870s, but my attitude toward this phrase is that even if you could show me that it was historically accurate (which I doubt), these days it is too closely associated with Tony Soprano to be used in Deadwood without completely ruining the period feel.

When they can write such great dialog as Ellwood’s speech to Alma, why use such a hackneyed and inappropriate phrase as “break your balls”?

I got the sense from Martha’s expression over breakfast (she seemed on the verge of tears) that maybe talking was the only intercourse Seth wanted.

Here’s some pop psychology: I’m wondering if he has some deformity to his prick. That would explain why he refused Joanie’s offer of a blow job and why he kept it in his pants with the new girl. It might also help explain his sadism.

Is it just me or is the dialogue a lot more flowery this season.

Great scene with Alma and EB.

Great scene with Ellsworth and Wolcott.

What is Iringhausen problem? Yeah, Alma was a bitch, but kill-worthy bitch?

Why are Wolcott and Tolliver so keen on taking ‘Celestial Alley’ away from Woo? There must be a lot of money in opium.

Trying to figure out what’s worse. Being Chinese in the Old West, or being a whore in the Old West. Not to mention being a Chinese whore.

Whatcha reckon are the chances of he and Alma hookin’ up soon? I thought the scene in which he talked to her about ignoring the rumors had a bit of sexual tension. Rough and uncultured he may be, but I think Alma might be able to see the gentleman beneath the gritty exterior.

Secondly, did anyone else get the impression from the previews that Alma is pregnant? Yeah, I saw that one coming a mile away, but what will be the repercussions?

I meant to mention: last night’s was the first episode in which Swearingen didn’t say a single word!

“You never know with this show” goes without saying. But I don’t want Alma to marry without love a second time. She respects and trusts Ellsworth though – maybe that’s enough, if she finds herself in a situation.

Would she do that to Ellsworth? Use him like that?

Can someone explain what it was about Al’s condition that made Doc decide to try smelling salts? How did Dan and Doc know that Al was ready to pass the stone? All seemed paralyzed with pain – is that a sign that the stone is working its way down?

The scene between Ellsworth and Wolcott at the claim was great stuff. I’ve always like Ellsworth.

archmichael, I’ve found the dialogue more. . .something. It might not be more flowery, but its seems as if MORE people are talking that way. Used to be Farnum would do it because he was putting on a kind of affectation, but now Dan is saying “is it your intention to deceive?” instead of “are you fucking lying to me?”

Gonna be nice to have Al back. It’s kind of funny what they’ve done. He’s clearly the most popular character, and Milch has basically sidelined him for the whole season.

Always leave 'em wanting more.

Another aspect of this show that makes it so good – the realism of the injuries and illnesses. Seth’s facial wounds from his fight with Al still show and are healing; and Al apprently broke ribs and his face looked like raw hamburger after the fight. And last night, he looked even worse, which is appropriate for what he was going through. This is the true old west – not the sanitized and romanticized versions we’ve been given till now.

It’s my impression that Miss I knows Adams and have a checkered past. So Miss I is not the sweet, gentle nanny we thought. I think she’s lying to Adams about Alma to get him to go in on a swindle to get Alma’s money or gold mine. And I, too, got the impression that Alma is pregnant. Won’t that complicate matters – having Seth’s child. I’ve been wondering when somebody would get pregnant – it had to have happened frequently in the whoring business, but Alma being pregnant is even more of a complication. I also thought the dialogue was more “flowery.” It was so flowery, I had trouble following it. Profanity and formal and flowery – I think that’s appropriate for this era – it shows the vast differences between the educated, middle- and upper-classes and the uneducated, dirty, profane, and often criminal lower classes. Same with the clothing – in one scene you see the whores and Al’s henchmen, and next shot is Alma in her gorgeous clothes, coiffed hair, and civil manners. (Although when it comes to morals, the classes may not be so different.)

Exactly. Before I could do other things while watching, and just stop to listen intently to Al and EB. Now everyone seems to be doing it. I have to give my full attention to Tolliver, Wolcott, Ellsworth and probably a few others I’ve missed

If she feels she needs a father for her child, she may. I don’t know if she’s up to seducing him, then claiming it’s his, or whether she would just baldly explain her situation and make him an offer, but even in Deadwood, a Victorian lady having an illigetimate child . . . Alma would feel incredible social shame, as would the child when it grew old enough to know.

Considering her situation, marrying Ellsworth is certainly not the worst prospect. Seth cannot “do the right thing”. The only other alternative would be to approach Joanie or Trixie and try to find someone to do an abortion. I doubt if the doctor would do it-- it would prbably have to be one of the madams.

Dan and Johnny do seem to be picking up on the speech patterns.

Could be they’re doing it on purpose, showing Al that they can adapt to change.

Or it could be that we’d be talking like that too, after being exposed to it in every damn conversation. Sorta like picking up an accent.

So far they haven’t managed more than a few words at a time – no long soliloquies like we’ve heard from the others.

I like it.

Okay, I must have missed something. What gave the impression that Alma is preggers? Not that I’d be surprised, but what evidence is there?

In the previews for next week, she’s upchucking.

Gotcha. Well, that clinches it. In Movie Cliche Land, any time a woman vomits, she’s knocked up. Even if she’s 97 years old.

Yes, it’s not like anyone in “Deadwood” has gotten sick have they? I wonder if Alma is going to go back to the laudanum.

I’m intrigued by the subplot now with Miss Isringhausen. Why did she go to Adams’ room? Why did she choose him to start hatching her crazy plot with?
I don’t think the two had ever interacted before.