Dealing with leftovers in the MMP

All completely true!

I have now decided it means Many Magnificent People.

I asked hubs about your humidifier drain and he just gave me that look (the look that says he thinks I’m talking nonsense) and went back to killing monsters.

I survived the day! Holy mother of madness it was nasty out there: pouring rain, gusty wind, giant puddles that passing cars turned into tsunamis. The nurse at the shot place kept saying, “Wow, your arm is cold!” I got soaked through, but I’m warm, comfy, and clean now, so all’s well. And I walked 6.5 miles.

Thanks for the feedback on eggs in the stuffing. Bon Appetit was one of the sites recommending eggs, and I trust them, but I trust all of you more, so the majority convinced me: no eggs. I have such happy memories of cutting up bread for Mom while she chopped celery and onion. I was an adult before I learned she didn’t like turkey. Thanksgiving was the only holiday feast that didn’t star lasagna.

FCM, I can only imagine how exhausted you must be. I guess Thursday will remind me. Thanksgiving is cook, cook, cook, eat, clean, clean, clean. How anyone finds time and energy to do the sales is beyond me .

red, the old phones going to Third World countries reminds me of Miz Lillian, Jimmy Carter’s elderly mother, joining the Peace Corps. That’s a fine program you work for .

And you’re one of them. So glad LWT got so much turkey! Random Q: what does prickly pear taste like ?

This is the beauty of the MMP: it’s all new to us, and if anyone does any eye-rolling (very unlikely), you won’t see it. :slight_smile:

Congratulations! Your progress has been nothing short of phenomenal .

Congrats on your year anniversary!

You are too nice, all I do is drive things around for folks, the real volunteers are the ones who do the heavy work!

Armenian cucumbers, in a way. Maybe like a breed of muskmelon? They don’t have a strong taste but are very good for you and grow quickly so are a cheap source of food. Prickly pear fruit is very sweet and kinda tastes like pomegranate but not really. Saguaro fruit really isn’t worth the effort, but that is just my opinion.

nellie Glad you made it through the storms. And, yeah, no eggs.

JtC Armenian cucumbers and muskmelon are not really a good way of describing an unknown fruit. I got no idea what either of those taste like either. (so here’s where I’d put an emoji that means I’m kidding, but I don’t know enough about emojis to know which one to pick)

Just looked those up. Looks like just the ticket when having soup.

:scream_cat: Both my grandmothers made excellent pie crusts from scratch, as does my mother. If I can get Crisco, my pie crusts are pretty good, but Crisco isn’t sold here, so I use butter instead.

My maternal grandmother couldn’t cook at all when they got married. Fortunately grandpa had an iron stomach and survived her experiments. She learned well.

As my paternal grandmother got older, she also went for the pilsbury pie crust. She did roll the pre-made pie crusts a little thinner, and she was quite happy with that.

Yesterday we got some windows replaced, so there were big holes in the walls, and it got really cold inside. As we have floor heating, it takes a while for the place to heat back up again. It’s been 24 hours, and it’s still not quite as warm as we’d like.

Still more to catch up on, but I’m posting this now.

Happy Hump Day!

Home again, and Monkey is losing his mind because I’m chilling with y’all for a bit instead of paying attention to him. “Meeee! MEEEEE!”

I made myself a Franken-Sub at work today and brought most of it home, so dinner is sorted. (Remember I treated myself to a French dip the other day? Well, I still have some leftover au jus. Yay!)

What is a Franken-Sub, you may ask? It’s a sub made completely “wrong” so no tomato sauce, and no meat or sausage.

Just garlic butter, sliced garlic, chopped onion, and cheese.
It’s teeth-meltingly good, absolutely redolent of garlic.

I make weird foods at work, so I (and everyone else) has started labeling mine as Frankenpizza or Franken-Sub when they’re being baked.

Hmph. They’re good, I say!

I’m picturing someone laboriously wrapping individual green beans with slices of bacon.

… am I close?

Man, if it’s not one thing, it’s another!

Woman, I get exhausted just reading about your exploits on your “chill” days. I can’t even imagine how much work you’ve done lately.

Hope you get lots of well-deserved sleep!

That’d be a good business model. “Bob’s Car Repair and Cheesecake Bakery: Stuff your face while you wait!”

Places like that are gems. How many places, the cook would have just shrugged and not bothered to double check?

One of us! One of us!

You better start spilling, Mister.

Isn’t it, though?

Now you’re making me sniff miss seeing my Inappropriate Crushy-Poo.

I remember when you posted about the possibility of even having it done! (Time flies when you’re, uh, having fun. Or losing weight!)

Woot right back at ya.

Okay, that’s funny. Great nickname, and also, did the manhunt expand to include you?

So if he can come back so you can make amends, will he try again to sell you woodworking items?
Seems like you can make what sounds like a legitimate error on your part work out for both of you.

I love a good analogy.

Love you bunches, darlin’ but I about killed myself laughing at the idea of describing a somewhat obscure food by comparing it to … even more obscure foods.

Alright, y’all, Monkey has settled on my lap (with one foot pressing heavily on my … gallbladder? spleed? whatever it is, it’s not meant to support a cat’s weight) so imma have me a post-work smoke and get on this Franken-Sub dinner.
There’s a better-than-even chance I’ll sleep in my makeup tonight. (Nothing on my skin, that’s bad for you, but the eyeliner and mascara may just have to become Tomorrow Shoe’s problem.)

Heck, if it smudges just right … easy smokey eye effect!

Close. One bean is not enough.

Bacon wrapped green bean bundles

This is close to my recipe except that I use fresh green beans. Black Label bacon is critical. 6-8 beans per bundle.

People will ask me for recipes which I usually freely share. Later they come back saying theirs aren’t as good as mine and I’ll ask if they used [brand name ingredient] per my recipe and they’ll say no, they used [alternate(cheaper) ingredient].

There’s your problem.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 55 Amurrkin out and mostly cloudy with a predicted high of 70 and partly N.O.S. for the day. I thought Turkey Day would be a rainy one but TWPTB now say it will be cloudy and the rain will come in on Firday and Sattidy. We shall see. Today is all about preppin’ for the big feast tomorrow. I need to get the dressin’ ready, sweet N.O.T. casserole thingy made up, aigs need to be Satanized, a promised sweet N.O.T. pie made (somebody is a spoiled brat and wants one, so I shall make him one), and turkey prepped, and the giblets cooked up. The beans, rolls, and other assorted stuffs can be done tomorrow mornin’. All the various sides and desserts will be brought by others. Anyone who leaves hongry tomorrow can go take it up with a therapist is all I gotta say! I shall try to squeeze in the daily sloth and general overall uselessness, but it will be hard to do so. Any need to feed today will be via forage, needless to say.

Oopsie congrats on the surgery anniversary! You’ve come such a long way in a years time. I am so happy and proud for you! A LKWC is not a bad thing. None of my co-irkers ever did a thing for me so I never experienced one.

Morty welcome! Feel free to regale us with tales of both the past and present. We find it all oh so fascinatin’!

MetalMouse you may already be on the road, but safe travels and may the weather be good all the way there and back.

Jammer I must indeed attempt bacon wrapped green beans. I make bacon wrapped spareguts and it is oh so good, so I imagine would bacon wrapped green beans.

shoe I guess all “weird” sammiches are Franken-Sammiches. I have been known to do so. Sometimes the best sammich or sub is the one that has the stuff you have a gnawin’ and a cravin’ for at that moment.

I use frozen pie crusts. I think I already said this. My mother and grandmother are shamin’ me from Heaven, but let 'em. They taste just fine and are a lot less mess.

Nellie glad you survived the day. May today go a lot smoother.

Die we had the windows in da cave replaced three years ago. It was a mess, but I was amazed that they had it all done within five hours. Those guys were pros!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, let the great Turkey Day prep begin! Rah,

Happy Hump Day Y’all!

Why is it when I must get up at a certain time and set the alarm and all, I always wake up 45-60 minutes before the alarm goes off?

Anyway, up and ready to start loading the car and heading out. All y’all take care now.

Mortimer Snerd was one of ventriloquist Edgar Bergen’s dummies, starting way back in the 1930s. He was buck-toothed, sleepy-eyed and slow-witted. Hopefully your friends were not being insulting.

“Joe, this is your third oil change this week!!”

Now that I’m more or less rested, I can share some details from yesterday. Apart from Aunt B getting lost en route, and FCD and daughter going to rescue them. (Thankfully this time they were only about 5 miles from us.) MIL had already baked the dressing so all I had to do was warm it - WHEW!! Same with the green beans that she cooked to death (I couldn’t bring myself to have any… shudder) She was supposed to bring gravy, too, but she forgot. Fortunately, I’d grabbed a few cans at the store, so when Roxy said “Where’s the gravy?” :open_mouth: I was able to run upstairs, open a couple of cans and dump them into a measuring cup, then nuke it - less than 2 minutes and we had gravy.

One really nice thing, FIL ate a LOT!! He’s lost so much weight lately and has had so little appetite, it was great to see him fill and clean his plate. The brussels sprouts gratin were a big hit, as was the sweet potato casserole sans marshmallows. I had to modify that recipe, tho - it called for 1/3 cup of pecans in the topping. This is over an 8X8 pan. I’m pretty sure I used about a cup anna half, and even then, I felt like I could have used more. There was very little left over.

I sent most of the leftovers home with MIL. Daughter took some dressing and some roasted turkey, but MIL got most of both smoked and roasted turkey, plus dressing, smashed spuds, the last tiny bit of sweet potatoes, some biscuits, most of the gingerbread, a whole pumpkin pie, and her green beans. I’ve still got half a smoked turkey and half a roasted turkey in the fridge. The roasted stuff still needs to be removed from the carcass, and I’m going to package it and freeze it for future meals. Since the smoked bird has already been frozen once, I’m reluctant to freeze it again - do you think I can without ruining it?

Dealing with the rest of the turkey will be interesting, sans left thumb. I still have the thumb, I just can’t use it - it’s amazing how much one relies on one’s thumbs and how much it HURTS when it’s been cut!! I may have FCD change the band aid today - I just don’t want to start the bleeding again. And it probably needs a glop of neosporin. I knew the ceramic knife was sharp, but holy crap on a cracker!!!

Today, we’re taking Aunt B and Uncle J to see our boat. The won’t be going aboard - she’s afraid of boats, and while he’s more mobile than FIL, he’s still reliant on a cane and the Parkinson’s affects his mobility. But it’s supposed to get into the 50s today, so it’ll be nice to be outside for a bit.

Meanwhile, caffeination continues.

Happy Wednesday!!

Good morning everyone.

It’s currently 43 degrees with an expected high of 53 and cloudy skies throughout the day. Yesterday was definitely stormy. It was windy and very, very wet. I had sideways rain at times.

Welcome, Morty. Please do regale us with stories both past and present.

Congrats on the one-year anniversary, oopsie! I too have been reading and following along with interest and am glad to see you’re a total success story!

Safe travels, Metal Mouse!

I’m glad the dinner went mostly smoothly, FCM. I too would be hesitant to refreeze the meat.

So yesterday was a day of controlled chaos. I felt like one of those guys with the weird lights at the airport guiding the planes. I spent the day making calls, coordinating efforts among multiple people, and trying to pull stuff together for the upcoming furniture install. In between, I was still trying to do all my daily work. Fun times!

In news of the weird, my personal cell phone rang yesterday and it was someone I hadn’t talked to in about six years. I don’t know what possessed her to call me, but she sounded a little drunk and she was definitely waxing nostalgic about past times. She was part of a group of people my husband and hung out with a lot for a number of years. We took trips together to Kauai and spent most every weekend together. The friendship crumbled when one of them did something I considered pretty unforgivable, and none of us have talked since. Well, another of the group sends birthday and holiday greetings to my husband and me and I went hiking and mushroom hunting with that person last year too. The sad truth is I don’t really miss the group. I miss the person I went hiking with, but the person who called yesterday spent every gathering completely wasted. It got old and I don’t miss that. She had a huge heart and was generous to a fault, but I just got sick of being around someone that couldn’t moderate her alcohol intake. On top of that she smoked weed, so the two together made for a loud, sloppy drunk. She embarrassed us in public many times. Anyway, I was polite and chatted with her for a bit. She wants to get together after the holidays, but, I’m just not interested.

I need to run to the grocery store in a bit and pick up the ingredients for my contribution to my daughter and son-in-law’s Thanksgiving feast. I am going to make something called Thanksgiving slaw just to have something to cut all the richness of the dinner. I will also make something with green beans. My plan is to blanch the beans in the morning before we go, so I have minimal prep and work at my daughter’s place. I will make the slaw ahead of time, and toss it with the dressing a couple of hours before we eat.

After my grocery store trip, I need to return to my work computer and hope and pray the Windows migration they were supposed to schedule for overnight went smoothly and has not borked me up. Keep your fingers crossed because I have stuff to do and little time in which to complete it.

I hope you all have a fantastic day!

Good morning, Mummpers.

Well, my day went to hell in a handbasket, yesterday. Apparently, a defunct water line, in what used to be an old bathroom, popped a cog. It leaked. So, the water had to be turned off at the main line. The plumbers are coming out now, to hopefully fix it. I just want the lines disconnected/cut/whatever, and capped off.

The kitchen is a mess, because I’ve got stuff moved out from over the basement access. I’ve still got to go get groceries. My roasted turkey, in its juices, is still a frozen mass in the fridge. My pie crust isn’t getting made today, I don’t think. I may peruse the wisdom of FCM, and just buy a frozen crust whenever I make it to the store. At this juncture, I no longer give a 5hit. They’ll have to deal.
Not that it matters. I still have no idea when hubs will be getting home. He has no idea, even as of this morning. He’s now somewhere east of Joplin, (His GPS calls it ‘Hoplin’ :grin: ), Missouri. I’m so over this holiday crap. ALL of it. Bah.
Is there any reason we can’t just move straight on through to New Year’s Day 2023, and sort of delete everything between now, and then?! Hmm?

Anyway, I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving Eve.

Make life easier, you’ve got enough on your, ah, plate.

My favorite cheat crust is the refrigerated one sold two to a box near the whomp biscuits. The OCD folks at Cooks Illustrated recommend Pillsbury, and if it’s good enough for them, it’s more than good enough for me.

Man, my eyes are sandy and tonight is supposed to be a super busy night. Imma shovel something into my tummy and go back to sleep (I hope).

That’s for sure. However, it turns out it’s not an injury. It’s gout - again. He has had it in the past, but it’s affecting a different part of his foot this time. Will he go to see a doctor about it? Nope, for reasons best saved for a pit thread.

In a few minutes I’m off to buy him a cane, some Aleve, and some cherry juice if I can find any. He has to stay upstairs in bed and off his feet for a couple of days. Thanksgiving feast will have to be put back a day or so.

Happy Hump Day!

Got two of the brats off to daycare. Ripple and I are having a mommy and me day.
Cerby is almost out of Prozac, so the vet will visit him at daycare.

Cerby is crazy.
A few days ago, I said he had been showing his teeth to Barky mom.
Yesterday he was running in circles in the pavilion, barking his fool head off. I was trying to catch him, when he ran past Barky mom and she got him. I sat down next to her and grabbed him and started petting him to calm him down and tell him he was a good boy to stop barking. She was petting and talking to him as well. Next thing we knew, he put his paws up on the bench, leaned into her, and started licking her face.
One day he is showing his teeth, the next day he loves her.

For whatever reason, the heat came on in the middle of the night Moonday night, so I didn’t need anybody to come back out yesterday. On the downside, we had turned the heat up to 74 trying to get it to come on, and I woke up feeling like I was dying. I was bundled up, and under four layers of blankets.

Y’all have been busy busy busy I have a lot of reading to do to catch up.

Let me know if you do start a pit thread about men being idiots about seeing a doctor. I’ve got some ranting saved up about my husband on that subject.

They do that, don’t they? Here it was an infected gallbladder…

The basement is back to its normal configuration. I folded the tables and stacked the chairs - FCD will take them back to the school on Firday. I vacuumed up all the crumbs from around the tables and wherever Tobias roamed. The high chair and the dining room arm chairs are back upstairs, and the treadmill and bike are set up and ready for use. So that’s one chore done.

FCD re-bandaided my thumb. I need to do dishes - I’m thinking I should go out to his shop and get a nitrile glove to keep the bandage dry. After a break. I’s tahred. (not a particularly restful night, alas.) I suppose I could empty the dishwasher. And I need to do something about all the turkey in the fridge. Eventually…