Dealing with leftovers in the MMP

They all just left. Blissful quiet. Still stuffded.

Did I mention I’m exhausted??

I did not get to the shop cleaning yestiddy, but did it today. I set the smoke detector off while blowing sawdust off of things. I ended up sweeping up about 5 gallons of dust just from various horizontal surfaces. And there is still a very fine layer of dust on, well pretty much everything now. Will need to go through it all again next time I go to the shop.

FCM Glad the feast went well, and yay for silence in the aftermath.

Now onwards to sloth for the evening. I’m planning of some car repair and cheesecake tomorrow. Prolly make the cranberry sauce, too.

It doesn’t sound like anything more could go wrong, so that means the only way left to go is up! Sorry, I’ve never been much good at motivational stuff.

Thank you, but it was not MY kindness. I just drove the car, the organizer was the one who arranged for Lady With Twins to get an extra turkey and the wonderful volunteers are the ones who loaded the boxes into my car. They gave us a nice 13 lb turkey, a box of stuffing mix, a can of cranberry sauce, a can of turkey gravy, two cans of green beans, a box of powdered potatoes, a tray of bake and serve rolls, a box of margarine, a pumpkin pie and a tub of cool whip stuff. I kept the turkey, pie and whipped stuff and everything else got put in LWT’s boxes.

She got a 20 lb turkey and a 23 lb bird plus two boxes with twice as much of the other stuff as we did. They are going to be eating Thanksgiving leftovers until Easter. LWT was super happy to get it.

LWT came with me because Dad proclaimed himself fit to watch his own children for a couple of hours and thought she should get out of the house. He’s getting around pretty well now and his stump has healed enough that getting bumped isn’t agony.

She only got half an hour out because there wasn’t a line and I never shut my car off. I did make sure they were signed up for Cookies with Santa, though.

There are some wonderful folks out here that do amazing things for the community.

I hope Mr Brown feels better today, foot injuries heal slowly because we are always using our feet.

I’ve never heard of such a thing. Of course, I’ve never lived anywhere with a humidifier before. Unless you are talking about a swamp cooler which certainly wouldn’t be running this time of the year. Plus, swamp coolers drain outside, usually under a tree.

I’ve never heard of putting eggs in stuffing, so I called Mom and asked her. She said that stuffing doesn’t really need a binding agent and that I shouldn’t do it unless I really wanted to. So, one more data point :slight_smile:

We aren’t such big fans at zero dark thirty, LOL!

I’m glad your doctor visit went well and I think you are being pretty silly. OTOH, I would be worried too, so there is that.

I am terrified of pregnant women. So much so that I would be sure to have enough bacon and stuff to make a second batch if I screwed up the first one somehow. Pregnant women are scarrrrrrry.

Sadly, you are not wrong. I’m glad you are going to find someone to help you get your mind clear. Toxic workplaces are toxic and sometimes the mental fallout can last for years.

Ohhh, I remember having days like that. Once your day starts with tech problems, it never gets any better.

So, our housekeeper was here today and we went out for Mexican breakfast. I usually have the prickly pear, chorizo and eggs but today I had a chili relleno instead which messed things up so much the cook sent the waitress back to be sure I didn’t want my usual. I think we might go there too often.

After we got back from breakfast, I picked LWT and we went to get our turkeys. After I dropped her off, someone from Nextdoor came over to sell me some goat milk soap for my Secret Santa.

He also brought a 6 month old chocolate lab who was the happiest dog in the world! Of course hubs and I were both happy to help socialize her, how could we resist.

We did have an embarrassing moment because the soap maker is also a wood worker and brought some things to show off. I wanted to buy a wood something for a friend and a wood other thing for my Secret Santa so I needed to give him 40 bucks. Hubs and I could only come up with 30 dollars cash between us. We’ve really been having issues with available cash lately, Hubs says he’s going to go to the bank and get us each 5 twenties to put in our wallets.

How discouraging. And kinda alarming too, do you wear a dust mask? If not, maybe you might want to think about it.

Stupid question. What is “the MMP”?

It’s short for Monday Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share. That’s just because it restarts every Monday, we are always sharing Mundane Pointless Stuff. Well, some folks have important stuff, but mine are always pretty mundane.

Thank you. I sorta inferred that from context. I wasn’t sure about the “Monday” part.

I do not wear a dust mask, usually, but when I’m doing cleaning like that, I do, also have the air filters running. Over the years I’ve inhaled so much saw dust and paint that my sense of smell is definitely reduced.

Morty May I call you Morty? Generally everyone gets a nickname. The MMP is a collection of friendly folks who share the stuff going on in life.

I remember that story you told over on CS on that subject.

If you are talking to me, yes you may call me Morty. “Mortimus” was one of the many nicknames I’ve been saddled with. “Morty” is a derivative thereof and I will answer to that IRL :wink:

I have numerous other nicknames. It seems that my real name as well as my various misadventures have inspired several folks to supply me with names other than my given one.

Well, in that case, let me be the second to welcome you. Van Go was first. We are kinda juvenile around here and keep track of that sort of stuff.

So, what do you do with leftovers? Do you have pets? Children? Hobbies? This is the place to talk about them and we really are interested.

That was a very terrible, very scary day. I really wish there had been a fainting couch available. For me, the scary in-labor preggy lady was just fine.

Welcome Morty. I am Jane The Cane, aka JTC. Misadventure stories are prized here, do share!

I have a ton of stories, if you get me started you may regret it :wink:

Suffice it to say that my career in TV news got me into many situations than the average person would never see in their lifetime. I have lots of stories and the back-stories to go with.

I’m pretty sure that everybody who knows me IRL is sick of hearing them. My wife has heard them all, multiple times. I know it’s time to shut up when her eye rolling stops and she just stares at me.

Start talkin, Morty! We wants to know all, LOL!!!

Actually it stands for Monday Morning Post. The MMP is for all the important MPSIMS such as laundry day, grocery day, random TMI, tales of various pets and other assorted critters, and general overall randomness. Our motto is: The MMP: Keeping MPSIMS all neat and tidy, cause we’re nice dammit!

I thought “MMP” stood for “Monday Morning Post”! Thanks, swampy!

I always go to my friends’ house for Thanksgiving, and I rarely take leftovers home…but I do like leftover white-meat turkey right out of the fridge. So, I’ll usually take some turkey. :slight_smile: I really like turkey, and tend to make (deli) turkey sandwiches at home regularly.

Yesterday’s big work event was good. I got to see a bunch of folks I hadn’t seen in years — who I know from the job I had at my company before the job I have now — and got to meet a bunch of other folks I’ve interacted with but hadn’t seen in person yet. I stayed at the “networking” part longer than I thought I would, and talked with more people than I expected. And one of the people I saw for the first time in years is a guy I’ve had a low-key crush on pretty much since I first met him. :smiley: We’ve worked together virtually a few times as recently as a few months ago, and we’ve done some chatting on Skype (I know that he coaches kids’ rugby, and splits his time between DC and Massachusetts because he and his siblings take turns helping their mom up there; he knows that I’m a jazz singer and keeps saying he wants to go to one of my shows, etc.), but it was nice to see him IRL again. Unfortunately, there was never an opportunity for a one-on-one conversation: at first we were kind of cornered by a guy who would not shut up — we literally had to walk away from him — then someone needed to ask me about something, and then we never wound up schmoozing in the same part of the room. Before I knew it, he was saying goodbye on his way out. Ah, well. :slight_smile: I’ve never spent enough time with him to suss out whether there might be any “there” there, and I’m not even sure if he’s single, but it’s fun to have a Low-Key Work Crush (LKWC)!

Work was kind of annoying today: I offered to help with a classified proposal this afternoon, and wound up having to kill almost two hours in the secure space while the needed network got activated. They were supposed to have everything set up and ready to go before I got there…meh. Luckily, my “day job” was pretty quiet and I was able to get away with being unavailable for 3.5 hours.

In happy news, though, today is the 1-year anniversary of my bariatric surgery! Woot! :tada: It hurts my brain that it has been a full year, but in a good way.

Tomorrow is my Friday — as I’m sure it is for many others — so I’m pretty happy about that. Both of my direct reports are working on (actual) Friday: I’ll be available if either of them needs me, but otherwise I’m not planning to log in or think about work.

Ok then, let’s start with some nicknames as they leap to mind. I’m only counting the ones that “stuck” for a while. I’m not counting the many spurious ways I may have been addressed.

Marther (a guy at the TV station just started calling me that, and it stuck)

Compass (got lost in the woods while shooting a story about a manhunt)

Big Dick (my middle name is Richard, I’m a big guy and sort of a dick, I guess)

Goo (a non-profit I volunteered for made up a T-shirt for me, it was supposed to say “God” but it ended up looking like “Goo” It stuck but I was okay with that. I felt better being called “Goo” than “God”)

Mortimer Snerd (college nickname, not sure where it came from)

Asshole (I was on the receiving end of a practical joke that caught the attention of the Secret Service at a Bill Clinton presidential campaign stop)

The “Asshole” story is pretty good but needs telling in its entirety. I’m not ambitious enough to type it all right now.

That’s called a “news tease” in the biz :wink:

At least I remembered the Monday part. I was distracted because I had realized that I had ripped the soap guy off and was texting him with much apologizes.

We agreed to blame the cute puppy for it. How could anyone possibly be expected to math with that much cuteness around.

Evening all. Spent most of the morning and early afternoon watching the World Cup, but did energize enough to do banking, some sweating and showering at the gym (the scale there says I’m at 268.6 lbs, so Yea! for breaking the 270 barrier–right before Thanksgiving… Also got the gas tank filled and about 85%-90% of the packing done. Only thing I need to do later tonight is turn on my laptop and make sure my passwords there are up to date. Tomorrow is supposed to be clear and nice all the way up the road, so depending what time I get up tomorrow it should be a straight shot in.

The city I live in, for reasons known best to them, are repaving the streets in our subdivision this week, so getting in and out can be a trial. I didn’t think the roads were in bad shape at all, but not going to argue about it. Will try to get out of here before work commences.

Oopsie, happy anniversary on the surgery and may you never need another one. And maybe your secret crush has a Facebook page or something?

Morty, welcome. Don’t need to depend on the old stories (although we would like to hear them), just let us know how life is going; you’ll find there is more drama there than you imagined, I bet…

FCM, hope you get a good night’s sleep tonight…you’ve earned it!! Hope the bleeding has stopped…

OK, need to finish preparations. Everyone have a great T-Day in case I fall out of communication.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to double heave.
< reads MMP >

Then you’ll fit in nicely in the MMP.(we tend to toss around nicknames like Bud bottles at a redneck dive bar). Welcome! Pull up a chair. Use coasters, or you end up on The List.

Actually, it means Monday Morning Post. It’s been a Monday tradition since 2001 when long-gone member RueDeDay would tell a story first thing in the week, then hijacking would ensue. Rue left the dope years ago, but his legacy continues. (He’s a FB friend, and I asked if he’d pop back in, but no dice.)

Ok, swampy ninja’d me on part of my answer. But so what…

Welcome, Morty!

I’m a dunce…had no idea what MMP meant, just equated it with exceedingly friendly people who were willing to listen to me blab.

So, I am somewhat chagrined to say that we always put an egg in our dressing though why I don’t know. There’s so much of it one egg surely doesn’t do much.

JtC, you’ve made me feel way better. When I expressed surprise at the boiling water bit, the guy looked at me like I’d grown an extra head.

For those interested, Costco was indeed a disaster. Some lady behind me got into an argument at the cash register because the cashier asked why she was buying 20 pies. I was wondering too but I’m glad I didn’t ask.

Welcome, Morty!

Ok, off to overlygirl’s swim practice. Thank goodness they’re almost done.