Dealing with leftovers in the MMP

I have never put eggs in my stuffing/dressing nor was I ever aware of other cooks adding eggs. This is coming out of a an Iowa/Nebraska heritage, mainstream Midwestern cuisine with a Czech, German,Scots, Irish bent.

That said, people fridge batters and doughs with egg overnight all the time so chilled quickly it should be all right, if you do decide to do something bizarre and heathen like put eggs in the dressing.

Sounds like the exact opposite of our family - my wife gravitates to “Thanksgiving Dinner Sandwiches” and I’m inclined for Turkey 'n Gravy over buttered bread (or mashed potatoes).

Then we got a panini press, and I started making Thanksgiving Dinner Paninis. That is now the standard around our house. Turkey, cranberry sauce (gell, not whole), stuffing, sweet potato; instead of mayo, I use dill dip. BTW - you can use the dill dip on the outside of the sandwich instead of butter. Still soaks in, still crisps up; adds a different flavor.

It’s 1:30. I told everyone dinner would be at 2. Still waiting for the inlaws, etc.


FCD just called - they missed the turn, so he and Daughter are driving out to rescue them. I have no idea why they refuse to use their GPS…

Or one of those 2+year-old frozen turkey carcusses…

Well, there goes my appetite… :nauseated_face:

Man, I thought I (and my mother) were stubborn folks.

Off to do that groovy “work” thing. We’ve been warned that today - and especially tomorrow - are gonna be super busy, on account of all the people cooking while entertaining relatives and going, “Screw it, we’re eating pizza tonight.”

Looking at the roster, I’ll likely be drive-thru window (frequent spot for me) so imma go put on actual make-up so I don’t terrify the good people of western Mitten State, finish this cuppa tea, and … go at it till 1 a.m. or so.
Catch y’all in the middle of the night!

Don’t forget to toss Charm a rat. :slight_smile:

I love GG. :heart_eyes:

I don’t know if it’s was me or not, but Beamer is autistic and only eats a short list of foods. He would manage without ramen, but it would make it harder to get him fed. He would also be seriously bummed.

Fair notice - I have skipped ahead. I will keep up after this, I promise. So hugs, congrats, what a cute fur baby story, and encouragement to all who would like them. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yesterday I went back to my ENT surgeon for a check up on my nose/sinus surgery. He said that things are looking really well. He took out one suture, but left the others. Of course, now I’m worried that the surgery has failed on one side or the other. :roll_eyes:

I’m spending entirely too much time arguing with people about Twitter and Musk. I hereby promise to do better.

Today I will try to take things easy. I’ve thawed steaks and really must cook them. Other than that, I will read and watch who knows what with the family.

Take care everyone!

I have never heard of this ever …other than maybe using it to keep it together what would eggs even do?


Pot pie is the favored disposition of leftover turkey around the Jammer household. Dressing gets frozen into portions but generally doesn’t last long.

Last year I failed to make my bacon wrapped green beans and have been threatened with bodily harm by my pregnant step-daughter if I make the same mistake this year.

Good lord, no. I can’t think of any reason to do that unless it’s the only protein in the dish, perhaps. But even then. . .

Do NOT mess with the pregnant mother! Better make very sure she and your grandchild get those green beans (which do sound good). :slight_smile:

I hope to organise going to Therapy so I can properly discuss it with someone independent, and clarify things for myself. I am a little worried there are more workplaces like this than not. I hope I’m wrong.

OMG, I am soooo stuffded and there are soooooo many leftovers. Most, tho, are going home with the in-laws.

While putting away one of my sharpest knives, I sliced into my left thumb. :astonished: Much blood, not a lot of pain, much cussage from me. Aunt B was a nurse and her first thought was that I’d need stitches. Fortunately, it wasn’t deep - just cut a bunch of blood vessels. FCD band-aided me up. Then I got woozy and had to sit for a bit, but that passed quickly.

I managed to finish the dishes, and we’ve been visiting in the basement. FIL is crashed on our bed. Tobias hasn’t napped, so he’s going to be a real zinger tonight, I fear. Glad he doesn’t live here… :wink:

I had to come upstairs to feed Higgs. Time to head back down again. I’ll be glad when everyone goes home and I can collapse.

Howdy Y’all! Laundry and some prep stuff for the big feast got accomplished today. Sup got made and et as well. Sloth and general overall uselessness were also accomplished. Oh, and I went over to the church house to return the cross (fell off its chain right before the start of service Sunday) I fixed (got it back on and then hopefully fixed it so it won’t fall off again) and to drag the biiiiiiiiiiiiig Advent wreath stand (thing is brass and heavy!) from where it lives over to the church house so it can get all decorated up before Sunday, the first Sunday of Advent. So, I actually did a buncha stuff, for me, today. Tomorrow will be especially bzzy gettin’ stuff ready for Turkey Day.

MOOOOOOM hope everyone is gone by now. Glad you did not slice yourself open too bad.

I do put aigs in my cornbread dressin’. They act as a binder. I probably could not add them, but I was taught to do so and do not want to be haunted by cooks of Turkey Day past, so I will continue to do so.

aunt says yes shes heard of eggs in stuffing but it’s not necessary and shes never used them …

I put eggs in my dressing. I imagine my recipe is much like Swampy’s being we’re both from Jawja. I’m not making the dressing this year though. We are doing lots of other stuff. It has rained today a bunch. The rain gauge was at almost three inches last I checked.

I took Buddyboy to his new Vet this morning. I muzzled him first. He weighs exactly 15 lbs. He got a heart worm test and a toe nail trim. I bought a years supply of Heartguard and got two months free. This is a non profit clinic so including the visit and the 12 months of meds it was only $137. I was happy about that. The same visit in the Keys would have been over $200.

We had fried chicken for supper. I’m already lying down watching the Alaskan Bush ppl. I hope to be sleeping soon.

nellie, the phones that we’re getting on this pilot project are mostly trade ins and overstock from the carrier. Given the age of the tech, they’ll go to our remanufacturing plant in the Philippines, then likely on to a developing country where they would be current tech (and, some of them able to operate on 3G).

shoe, glad that the phone call to your mom didn’t go as badly as feared.

Today was an aggravating day all day. I started out with printer issues, then the wiping software locked me out, then, in addition to the sticky “L” on my keyboard, my mouse died. I didn’t get as much done as planned.

Tomorrow is slated for a half day, leaving me time to get the last minute things done.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!