dear black people and women, shut the hell up

you know something im tired of? women and black people complaining. now i know this is a raging sterotype but just let me vent. #1: feminists, you all need to stop complaining about how rough you have it. sure it might be tougher than a guys life but dont whine about it. thats life. if men decided to say the things that women say about men to women, the femmies would be up in arms in one second about sexism. well let me tell you, sexism works both ways. #2: black people. alright… every time someone is mean to a black person, a lot of black people tend to blame it on racism… what the hell is wrong with you. i hate to break it to you black people but if someone is mean to you for some freak ass reasons, its not cause theyre racist, its probably because you were being an asshole. so stop blaming all your problems on slavery (which ended about 250 years ago) and give it up. thanks

I’m waiting for the punchline.

Conclusion: Troll.

I find your ideas fascinating and wish to subscribe to your publication.



New math!


I had a biscuit with your capacity for thought once.

Shouldn’t this be in Great Debates?

Has anyone seen the new Osbournes show on MTV? It’s pretty funny.

Dear Biggirl:

Sorry I missed your last birthday. The guilt has been racking me for…umm…(days/weeks/months?).

Please accept this small gift of Geez Laweez. He’s kinda cute, requires minimal care…and doubles as a coat rack.

Yer Pal,


My little sister’s middle name is Laweez, only she spells it Louise.

Apple pie for me, Cherry for her if any one is taking orders.

OG sort rubbish!

Geez Laweez also go in bin!

No doubt. I’m locking the thread for obvious reasons. If I decide tomorrow I’m still irritated, I’m gonna delete the damn thing.