Dear Boss,

Dear Boss,
Allow me to introduce myself, I am the only man working with you in your section. You may have noticed me once or twice since you take advantage of me constantly. I’d like to take this time to tell you that you are about as useful to me and the rest of the unit as the discarded cum bubble from a jellyfish.

What’s that? Why yes, I am aware that the new system that they’ve given us to use to do our jobs is a little more complicated than the old one. I should know since I’ve just finished a two month training course in how to use it. Here let me show you how to perform some simple day to day functions…what’s that? Now is not a good time for you since your answering some important emails? Ok then, perhaps later. Sorry? you’re going to go out and do some procurement later? I see. You realize that until you came here procurement and general running around was my job while the supervisor stayed here and answered the phone and took care of the general day to day paperwork generated by our section. Well, yes I am capable of it, but in fact, I, as a lower rank than you, should not really be performing the supervisor position since I really am not being paid for it. (sigh) Yes of course I’ll make that call to the major and explain to him why you’ve decided he can’t have his, (insert shiny thing here.)

Say, you know, it looks an awful lot like those emails you’re answering are really just notes from all your friends. Are you aware that that’s an illegal use of Government assets? You are but you’re too old and crusty to care about petty rules like that? I see, well…I really can’t argue with that. Listen, why don’t you let me teach you these few simple things…You’re too busy now? You’re going out shopping and it’s going to take you three hours, (including lunch time,) to accomplish what I used to do in about 20 minutes? I see. Well, may I make a suggestion then? If you’re going to be out in public for so long, why don’t you try shining your boots, ironing your uniform and toning down the swearing every second word so that you don’t give the Canadian public another reason to be down on the military? No? That would be a lot of effort wouldn’t it? Ok, well have fun…Boss.
God I hate supervising my supervisor.


Sounds extremely frustrating. I’d be grinding my teeth, too. Is there anything at all that you can do?

Not a blessed thing, it’s a military environment so I have no options here. However yes you are correct, it is EXTREMELY frustrating.


Although, I should add here that most of the unit I work for has already noticed the fact that anything they ask him for takes about two weeks and anything they ask me for gets done immediately. Also the higher ups have shown their faith in me by making sure that I am informed of anything they ask him for. It’s sick really. I can’t wait to see his next performance evaluation and I definitely can’t wait to see mine.


So, this isn’t about me?

Good. Not all 'bosses are bad y’know


LOL! Sorry Redboss no, this is most definitely about one specific person that I work for.
