I accidentally flipped channels and stumbled on The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan’s Island. If evil Martin Landau’s robot sidekick isn’t horrifying enough they have a different Ginger. Help me before Curly or Scatman Crothers make another bald joke. Becoming…paralyzed. Can’t…change…channel. Call…nine…one…<argh gurgle gasp>
God, someone help Padeye! Cut his cable feed! Throw a brick through his TV screen! Shoot Ted Turner! Do something!
Oh, the horror…
God is my co-pilot. Blame Him.
Thanks for the good thought Mr. K. Good thing no one cut the cable or I’d lose SDMB too. I managed to crawl to the remote and change the channel but I didn’t think I was going to survive when Scatman Crothers starting singing Sweet Georgia Brown while the team played a pickup game with coconuts.