Dear google chrome how I love thee

So my computer died last week. The death from which there is no ressurection:( any way I quallified for a interest free loan and I got my new laptop today. I have already decided I hate windows 8 (Iwas using vista so Im going to spend a fair bit of time working out how to do stuff). The defaut browser was of course ie which I wasnt havi g so first job was to download Chrome - and much to my delight and joy I got all my bookmarks, apps and settings - all I thought lost. Other browsers may do this too but it was a nice surprise for mr

Yes, Chrome is great.

Praised be mighty Google.

My saved passwords too -oh my:)

So this means that Google keeps all your Chrome bookmarks, passwords, etc., saved on its servers, does it? Lovely!

I think I am very relieved that I don’t use Chrome.

Eh, Firefox, Chrome, IE on Win 8, and Opera all do this – on multiple platforms. Safari syncs settings too but not passwords. It’s just SOP nowadays and you can usually opt out.

The difference between the NSA and Google is that the latter actually uses your data to help you remember things. If I have no privacy anyway, I’ll at least take the convenience. Thanks, Google!

Is Chrome really much better than Firefox? Is it faster or can it do things that the fox can’t?

Chrome starts faster, often has better HTML5 support, integrates well with Google services (Hangouts, Cloud Print, Voice, Gmail/Calendar/etc), updates silently and non-invasively (meaning it won’t randomly break your extensions or change your user interface), and it bundles Flash and a good PDF reader and you won’t need to separately update those all-too-common vectors for malware, loads each tab in its own process so that if one crashes, the whole browser won’t be taken down, has simple to use multi-user support, has a unified address bar that works well, has Google-connected spelling suggestions, a great download status bar, and (IMO) a cleaner interface. And in terms of speed after startup, Chrome is more or less comparable to Firefox these days.

I still use Firefox because some of its extensions are really useful to me, but Chrome is a beautiful, sleek browser that everyone should use unless you have special needs.

Chhers! Will finally try it then.

I agree, Chrome is really good. My work laptop forces me to use IE and it is terribly slow.

My advice to anyone with a new laptop would be to install a linux OS alongside. Doing so has no real downside other than having to select which OS you want on boot-up.
It doesn’t take much room and boots lightning fast (mine is a 9 year-old laptop and boots to usable status with browser in 25 seconds) and doesn’t ever get clogged up with shit.
There is a small learning curve to install new software and navigate but any moderately tech-savvy person won’t be put off.

Chrome is the default on my Ubuntu set-up and most of my life can easily be dealt with through a combination of Chrome apps, google drive and microsoft skydrive.

Point is, I rarely use the windows OS. It is useful to have for some techy stuff but for day to day, Linux and Chrome are what I use.

Well, now that I looked, after reading this, I see that I can set up “Sync” on Firefox if I want to. It does not do it by default, whereas it seems (given the OP’s surprise) Chrome does do it by default.

Seems to me that with passwords, especially, this is not only a privacy issue but a security one. No thanks.

Chrome be awesome!

I remember when I first started using the calendar. I had no idea at the time the calendar would send me text messages on my phone reminding me of events I had scheduled. Too cool!

Enjoy: 100 Google Chrome Tips

I’ve been using Chrome for a couple of years and recently went ahead and purchased a Chromebook…so, so sweet!

I suspect the OP is using Google+, which is not the default - they bug you about it occasionally if you say “no thanks”, but it’s opt-in, not opt-out.

It’s opt in on both.

I use and love chrome. Our work pc has firefox on it and I have no complaints, honestly.

As I recently mentioned in another Chrome thread, the best thing about it is the ridiculously high version number, and the “aw snap” page when something breaks.

It’s also fast and not super memory intensive. And when one tab crashes, it doesn’t crash the whole browser.

I spilt a bowl of pho on my Acer Windows 7 netbook and watched it wink out ao I bopped down to Best Buy and asked for the cheapest netbook they had. I’ve got a $200 Acer Chromebook and it’s pretty sweet. I wish I could run more Windows apps, but for $200, and a moments notice, I ain’t complaining.

After reading this thread, it occurred to me that after decades of being saddled with Microsoft’s development environment almost every single thing I do for my job is done using just a few applications and Chrome. I haven’t fired up any of the Office suite nor have I written anything in Visual Studio in more than a year. Outside of a small handful of games, I’ll bet that I could switch to a Linux environment without any problems whatsoever.

Notepad++ and Photoshop both work well under WINE.

The next machine I get will be a dual boot config with Linux as the primary OS.

You can customize it. Bookmarks, history, bookmarks toolbar, and passwords are all optional syncs.

I sync everything except passwords across two computers.

I’ll bet you could transition pretty easily, too.

I’m a cloud user and have zero need for any Windows’ products. Haven’t for about 2 years. While I still have (and use) my Windows laptop, everything that I do on it is still cloud-based. The only time I use my laptop is when I’ve got a heavy workday as the larger monitor is easier on my eyes. Otherwise, this little Samsung Chromebook is my go-to device. It’s lightweight, takes like 10 seconds to boot AND get online, and the battery life is great, which means I don’t have to lug a cord around when I’m away from home.

Same thing happened to me when my hard drive failed on me a few weeks ago. Very handy!