Dear Lord, H.P. Lovecraft was one freaky looking guy.

It being Halloween week (the time of year when one should naturally consider the strange, the frightening & the ghoulish), and partly hoping to find some insipiration for a brilliant NaNoWriMo project, I googled H.P. Lovecraft to find out something about him. I’ve read most of his stories several times, knew a lot of the background about his life, but had actually never seen a photograph of him.

Whew. If he happened to be walking down the sidewalk in my direction, I think I’d cross the street the instant I saw him coming. You know the old trope about guys who write thrillers / horror books (Stephen King, James Patterson, etc.) look like nerdy doofus-es, while children’s book authors (like Shel Silverstein) looks like ex-cons? Well, it doesn’t apply in this case.

Lovecraft certainly looks like someone who, when asked at a cocktail party what he did for a living, could answer “I scribe strange & unnatural tales of maleficient creatures hailing from the realms beyond mankind’s understanding,” and nobody would be surprised that he would say such a thing. Most likely, folks would think to themselves “Figures.”

When somebody asked what he did for fun, people were probably surprised when he did NOT state “I stalk random strangers in the dead of the night, until I corner them in dark, unsuspecting places, where I mercilessly butcher them in cold-blooded fashion.”

Lovecraft looked as if he’d had been staring at non-euclidean architecture for a tad bit too long.

You know, for some reason I always envisioned facial hair. Go figure.

Dude looks just like pictures of my grandfather from the 30’s, before he went totally bald.

He doesn’t look THAT strange…that’s just a bad picture. It has lousy contrast, so he has a gaping hole where his lips should be. Here’s another:

and another:

Looks almost exactly like I imagined him, except my mental image has him wearing spectacles.

He was born on Easter Island.

Stand-up comedian was definitely out.

Check my first link.

And he was born in Providence, Rhode Island.

Why the long face?
Actually, I think he was kinda cute in a quirky, world-destroyer way.

Still looks like someone who lured stray children away from the park with promises of candy.

To me he looks like THE quintessential, stereotypical New Englander. If I was going to pick somebody to play a New Englander in a movie I’d pick him.

Not really seeing the freakiness. He’s got a long face, but so what? I voted for Kerry. A lot of '30s photographs look rather grim; it was a more formal time. His hair is slicked down which may not look right to us now but was the fashion of the time.

“I was wearing an eldritch onion on my coruscating brown belt, as it was the style of those non-euclidean, insane times.”

Another vote for not looking terrible–he has a slightly odd mouth and a big jaw, but that’s really it. I wouldn’t run screaming in eldritch terror or whatever.

As a kid, he looks completely normal.

What happened to his mouth between childhood and adulthood? It looks like he has a big wad of chew behind his lower lip. I just tried jutting out my jaw (yeah, you make faces at the computer too and don’t deny it!) and I don’t get that effect.

A tentacle in there, no doubt.

It makes me think it’s a good thing he’s got his mouth closed, because he must be like Jaws when he opens that pie hole.

On second thoughts!

Peter Cook

HP Lovecraft
Now you are talking odd looking!

I have to agree – I’ve long thought that Lovecraft looks weird. But he’s not the only one. As Ivan Astikov points out, Poe looks pretty damned weird, too.
So, for that matter, does stephen King. They tried to hide it by having him angle his head and cup his chin in his hand for the dust jackret photo for The Shining, but King’s face looks a bit odd.

Of course, so does mine. I’ve written a few horror stories in my time.
Evidence for both assertions:

Agreed Cal. I certainly wouldn’t like to meet you in a dark pirates cave. If you’d had an eye-patch, you could have settled in there. No offense intended!:smiley: