Dear Mississippi Tea Party: Are You Sure Inciting Treason Isn't A Crime?

Sneer all you like, but I can point you to any number of “masculist” websites where hating liberals is as considered as manly as hating feminists.

The general idea is that anything a society does to benefit a) any group other than men, or b) everybody in general, is detrimental to men’s self-determination and (more importantly) the “natural law” of manhood, which is that we’re violent competitive bullies and you better be grateful we are.

Legitimate question.

Another legitimate question: do the other tea party branches see this differently? I think the answers are, respectively, “Relatively insignificant” and “no”.

Err, by “Relatively insignificant” I mean them, not the question.

Not in public, of course. Wine consumption could cause dancing.

In the town where I grew up, the ABC store had a massive brick wall coming off the side of the building and running parallel to the road. It was known as the “Baptist Wall” – vehicles parked behind the wall weren’t visible from the road.

Goes to show that its not God people are hiding from , its the judgmental folks they go to church with.

Wine is responsible forJesus’ temptation into evil

It was his Mom’s idea.

The federal government wants me to have private medical insurance, whether or not I have a pre-existing condition! Help, help, I’m being oppressed!

now, that THERE is funny :slight_smile:

Note they don’t even really have a website, at least not a domain of their own. looks to be kind of like a Geocities type thing.

Of course they don’t! THE INTERNET IS CONTROLLED BY LIBERALS!!!1!!! Take note of the fact that niggers, spics, jews, women (Angie’s List!) can all get THEIR OWN DOMAINS. But try to register FUCKOBAMASAMERICA.COM and see what happens?!?!!/?1??? It’s a conspiRACEy against white men DAMMMIT!

googled it. Bad news, hits. Good news, sort of…not many.

In all fairness, what has the Tea Party so upset is the ‘All shall kneel before Zod’ provisions of the ACA, not the health insurance part.

Only Zod haters are worried about that. Just kneel and get it over with.

But they won’t. The government always gives a lot more leeway to right wing groups than left wing ones; the government would be all over a left wing group that talked like this. Until these guys start actually killing people the government will likely refuse even to investigate them.

Seems kind of pointless, unless the store had a rear entrance. (Baptists might have other uses for the rear entrance, of course.)

Zod or ZOG?

Eh, if you’re into prop comedy.

That’s not true. They’re afraid people will think they’re dancing.

Please don’t use the term retard. Especially when comparing the mentally retarded to Mississippi Tea Partiers - it insults the mentally retarded.