I recently came across this website: www.thisiswhyyourefat.com, a collection of disgustingly fattening dishes. This surely must be the end of civilization. And after seeing that I kinda welcome the end of the world.
I am speechless. :dubious: :smack: :eek: :rolleyes: :mad:
i live a couple of the items, like the duck fat dumplings and gribnes … there is nothing better than really crispy fried skin, and fat … pork cracklings are also good [in moderation … when we cook up duck we save the skin up and use it as a gribnes treat at christmas, sort of an odd family tradition]
Couldn’t get beyond page two. . . .
A nitpick about the site/book title, though: those atrocities are not why I’m fat. Even in my wildest eatin’ days (which are well behind me, though I’m still recovering from their effects), I wouldn’t have touched any of those “dishes” with ten-foot chopsticks.
I think a lot of it is people seeing how much fattening food they can pile together and snap a picture of. I mean, you can’t walk into McDonald’s an order a Filet 'o Fish with 12 Filets between two buns.
I concur, but most people will simply look at that site and say, “Of course, that’s how fatties got that way. It all makes perfect sense.”
I would eat a few of those (once or twice, absolutely not on a regular basis). One of my favorites, a horseshoe, is on there.
I am out shape myself. Well, actually, no. Round is also a shape. But I didn’t get myself this way eating that, my diet is top notch by any definition. I am overweight but active and in excellent health.
My reaction to that is “who the hell finds that appetizing?”. I looked through 10 pages and couldn’t find a thing that I would eat in a drunken haze (assuming I drank) . Some of it is “made up” but some are obviously restaurant food. And I mean “food” in the loosest sense.
And it all looks like puke.
I love this website. Somehow the high amounts of nausea fuel Just circle all the way around to funny enough to make me giggle like a schoolgirl. Besides, some of that stuff sounds really good.
Most of the foods depicted on that page remind me of the Taco Town PizzaCrepeTacoPancakeChiliBag, however, the Dessert Lasagna and the Tempura Bacon looked somewhat intriguing…
Tempura bacon looked good to me, too. In fact, I stopped in just to mention it, only to find that MachTech beat me to it.
I would try a bite of most of the dishes on that site, and actually eat a couple as well. Some of them even look delicious, like the brie-and-chocolate puff pastry dessert.
As long as you don’t make a habit of it, there is no reason not to eat any of those, after all. One indulgence will not kill you.
rmAru and I found some stuff was interesting, like we already do the gribnes as a christmas treat, and the duck fat dumplings are more or less chinese gribnes … the tempura bacon looks interesting.
As you said, as an occasional indulgence, or a ‘try a bite of this’ where a bunch get it and everybody tries a little [what we do at the big e state fair with something. I can eat a tiny bite of a fried candy bar, the sugar is way too intense for me]
See, mrAru and I are actually salt/vinegar cravers, not sugar addicts. We actually like stuff like fried pickle, or fried artichoke hearts. We would rather have the fried poutine sticks or the fried hot dog fingers instead of that cheesecake banana split.
half of those look delicious. The other half look repulsive.
But for a lot of that, its not all that horrible for you, its just the serving size is monstrous. Even those dishes I find appealing, I’d eat half or less of whats shown.
I have a similar reaction. I find it all kind of scary, really. It’s like what you show your food to frighten it into good behavior. It also makes me crave fruit, for some reason.
I do admit to a liking for fried pickles, but I eat about one of those a year. That’s all I can handle.
No kidding, I ran to the kitchen to hug my celery.
I don’t understand, indulging to me means eating something rare and luxurious, something expensive, or that I can’t find often: some fine handmade chocolates, a well-made Crème Brûlée, some Norwegian smoked salmon, some freshly-caught fish with handmade fresh coconut sauce. Y’know, stuff like that, things I’ll remember forever.
Those “foods” scare me, and I have never eaten like that.
I love the “Meatini” on page 2:
“A full English fried breakfast served in a cocktail glass made out of bacon.”
Follow the links — they usually explain how they found the concoctions. Some of them were experiments.
But I have no doubt some of them ARE real. I’m from Pittsburgh – ever heard of Primanti Brothers?
(One someone submitted was a cake made to look like a cheeseburger, but if you clicked on the link, it was simply an ordinary layer cake, that the girl’s mother had made by molding the layers and using different color icing.)
That dessert lasagna looks like something left to go moldy.
Though I wouldn’t finish most of them, I’d try pretty much everything I saw while scrolling through the pictures. Nothing really looked that disgusting.
I thought it was my pants that made my butt look big?!?