Dear Service Drama Queens

This rant is inspired by an encounter I had at the tire store yesterday – the guy was making jokes about overcharging and/or destroying the property of every customer in line. While it wasn’t other than a mildly annoying display of overexuberance, it did remind me of a rant I’ve been waiting to write for about 2 1/2 years:

So I went to a Bash (which is like a Dopefest but for another online forum) in Nashville, where I went to Fazoli’s and had about the second tastiest thing I’ve ever had in my life: a pizza Submarino. Mmmm. Crispy on the underside yet still chewable, with the most delectable spices and meat and tomato sauce and steamy cheese on top. Mmmmmmm.

So I get back to Orlando and have a hankering for one a couple months later. So I walk into one and I peruse the menu. The guy behind the counter, having disposed of his last customer, asks me what I want. I inquire about the pizza submarino, and he tells me they are no longer available. I say thanks, bye bye.

He says “can I interest you in something else? A little lamb with mint? A fine aged Dom Perignon?” (I exaggerate.) “There simply must be something you’d like here! Try the spaghetti: it’s fabulous!”

Listen, you don’t own the goddamn company you Up With People-faced corporate asskissing drama queen. I don’t want to try something fabulous: I WANT A FUCKING PIZZA SUBMARINO!

Everyone slowly and quietly backs away . . .

So would you rather he’d been surly? :rolleyes:

Well, you can’t have one, so shut the fuck up.

Culture of entitlement? What culture of entitlement?

Your definition of “drama queen” is different from mine.

The Fazoli’s guy would have been a drama queen if he had burst into tears and told you he’d be fired because he couldn’t make the sale, and probably he’d have to sell meth so his grandma could have that operation she needs.

That’s a drama queen. Drama queens are always martyrs, and it’s always all about them.

Your guy was just smarmy.

I don’t know… the OP says he was exagerating. Could go either way, I figure. Seems to me that the guy he spoke to was just trying to sell him some food.

“Well we don’t have item X, but we have lots of tasty food here, how about items W, Y, or Z?”

No soup for YOU!!!

Well, there is at least one drama queen in this story, but I don’t think it’s the guy behind the counter.

It’s amazing to me that when someone is respectful you people hammer him and when someone is disrespectful you people hammer him. What do you want, indifference?

Jesus, dude, just shut the hell up and go somewhere else. You try that shit with me and you’re not going out the front door, you’re going out the front window.

So, pizza submarino to go then.

…you people?


You’ve been waiting 2.5 years for this?

Wow. Just wow.

I had a pizza sub yesterday.

Was quite good.

Yeah, the people that are put out when a server is rude to them. This guy was doing his job, and it sounds to me like he was being professional about it. “Sorry, we don’t have that anymore, but can I interest you in something else?”

It’s not the server’s fault that the item isn’t offered anymore, so why be mad at him for trying to offer something else in place of it?

Sorry, but I’ve worked foodservice too many years to put up with that nonsense. Just turn around and walk away, or even better, just say “No, thank you”. Hating on a guy to his face, or even behind his back like this, for doing his job (a thankless job, I might add) sticks in my craw.

I will give the OP credit for his inspired use of Up With People as an invective.

Ah. Got it. I think.

Agreed. I remeber the “A root isn’t a fruit!” recent thread.

I’d agree, and I’ve also worked food service. ~shudders~
Still, it seems like the OP was polite to the server and just vented once he got to the Dope. I could be wrong though…

You people are all on notice.

Two years and four months from now, I will post a rant here about Subway dropping their “seafood and crab”* sub from the menu.

*yes, I know it was just reconstituted haddock partially dyed pink. But it tasted good with enough mayo and toppings to disguise the slightly slimy mouthfeel.

Can’t you find something better to be upset about? We’re living in some pretty fucked up times and you’re railing about someone asking if you want pasta instead of a sandwich?? Seriously, you need some perspective-- BADLY.
