This has really pushed me over the top.
I’m usually not much of a one for outrage but if gave me the opportunity to execute these two I’d ask for the gun.
This has really pushed me over the top.
I’m usually not much of a one for outrage but if gave me the opportunity to execute these two I’d ask for the gun.
Gods, I remember when that happened.
I wish you had put this in the pit so I could fully express my outrage at the stupid “therapists” and the dumb f*ck of a “mother” who thought this was a good idea and then just stood by while the child screamed.
Yes, aren’t some people fantastic?
I was watching the news yesterday and they spoke of a ‘fascinating’ study in which they discovered that people who scored higher on intelligence tests tended to live longer.
Wonder why? I guess all of that reading and ‘high falootin’ learnin’ I did taught me that “rebirthing” cermonies are dangerous.
Arden, I think you know what I’d like to call this mother…and it’s not a pork chop.
I think I must have missed the meeting where everybody else in Colorado got together and decided to attempt to monopolize the high-profile and utterly moronic crime categories.
I’m happy these two won’t be back out peddling this as legimite therapy. I only wish they’d lock them in solitary forever. No contact at all with people.
They deserve what they get. The “mother” of that poor girl deserves worse for just standing there and letting two strangers kill her daughter. That is the real unspeakable crime. I hope she’s fixed, so she can never get another child into this mess.
Well, wolfman, with the huge numbers of Californians that have migrated to Colorado (not to mention Washington and my own beloved Arizona, you have to expect the statistics on uber-flaky carnage like this to experience a little shift.
WTF??? WTF???
how can some shit like that happen? W…T…F…??? I just don’t understand. WTF…why is taht neccesary at all? Why didn’t I hear about this on the news? Why am I learning this from dopers? Why did they feel that poor little Candice had to be “reborn”? I don’t really understand any of it. I’ll tell you what though, if any mother f**kers tried to make me do that…omg I would… I can’t say what I would do cause this thread isn’t in the pit… they all need to rot in hell… I hate them
I hate to add more fuel to this very emotional issue, but the girl and her mother were from nearby Durham, NC, IIRC. It was a very big news story here a few months ago.
A more detailed story is here, but be warned: it is more descriptive and will only serve to make you angrier.
…and here’s the greatest irony: I believe I heard correctly on the news last night that there is a local “therapist” who is still performing this procedure.
I’m sure he/she won’t stop until history repeats itself.
Okay, the story on the local therapist is here.
He says:
Yes, and I think the pudding is between your ears.
i’m…so…sickened by this I can’t even begin to rant about it. There are monsters in the world. Just when you think people can’t get any more insane, you hear about rebirthing. Absolute fucking lunacy.
I’m sorry Candice. I’m sorry for what they did to you. This is why I pray a lot. I don’t know what else I can do.
Like Tygr, I’m from the area where this happened. And I also hate to add to the general outrage, but the two news stories linked didn’t mention one of the most horrific aspects of the case:
Candace was adopted at a fairly late age – at least five or six, IIRC. Her birth family were never told about her death. They found out when they saw her picture on the evening news.
There just aren’t words to express how sickening this is.
Holy… merde. I didn’t know that part.
Can you imagine? That would be horrible! People put their children up for adoption for whatever reasons and hope their children will have a better life and they see THAT on the evening news?!
I can’t believe that “therapist” is still allowed to practice! Does this “person” have a license to pull?
This happened near in a nearby town and the trial is being held near where I live, so this is getting a lot of press. I either heard or saw the therapist after the arrest saying something like “It’s still a valid proceedure.”
I kept thinking “Tell ya what, assh*le. I’m 250 lbs. Why don’t I hold a pillow over your face for 30 minutes and shout insults as you slowly suffocate. Then let’s talk about validity.”
Frankly, I think this trial should be for murder (this evil bitch could hear her vicitm screaming and pleading and begging!) I’m going to be disgusted.
And, btw, curiousgeorgeordeadcat, this is why bad science pisses me off so much.
The Colorado “therapists” are just sad beyond belief. Even if they thought a physical re-enactment of the birth experience via blankets and pillows was an aid to alleviating a perceived trauma, their stupidity and cruelty should be punished. I am at a loss to comprehend how anyone could be that stupid, misguided, sick… it’s a horrible trajedy.
To clarify on the term “rebirthing”, though, as I understand it, it’s usually a verbal guided imagery exercise. Tygr’s second link relates to a practitioner of that therapy. I haven’t undergone it, and don’t plan to; it’s a bit flaky for me. But I do think it should be pointed out that as a practice, rebirthing is not the abuse the Colarado case evidences.
Again, I don’t endorse the notion of rebirthing, but feel the distinction should be made in order to avoid a witchhunt.
Oh my motherfucking lord.
I think I’m gonna be sick.
Murder, caught on videotape if you ask me. Jesus.
I’ve always said that ‘life without parole’ should mean friggin’ LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE.
That is, you stay in prison until you DIE.
Instead, who knows how long it’ll be before these… these… bad people get out. one year? Two? Five? Hell, 45 years isnt nearly enough for this.
God, after this and the baby eating thing that Merc had the balls to post, ugh, I think I’m going to throw up.
Like everyone else, I’m sickened. One of the things that jumps out at me is (in Tygr’s link) the fact that the women on the cushions were just chatting with each other about inane crap. Even if this was a legitimate therapy tool, it doesn’t seem like they were taking it seriously anyway.
I think they’re right-- the tape will “hang” them. Stupid, stupid people…
…that, for a moment, I may be wiling to suspend my anti-death penalty stnace for these sick, twisted f*cks.
Or, maybe THEY should be wraped in a blanket with pillows and adults piled on top of them and ignored when they begged for air.
Jesus…what kind of f*cked up childhood created these monsters!!!
I’ve a few pagen friends who might be able to throw a nasty spell at them…
Looking for Some Tail of Newt,