Oh, you motherfuckers...

Rot in hell. That’s all I can say. (no, not you guys)


I mean, what is proper punishment for them (should they be convicted?)


Here is the story in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram that includes a picture of the bitch-mother being placed in the police car with tears streaming down her ugly mug.

Boo-fucking-hoo, you chain-smoking, bingo-playing, Jerry Springer-watching, white trash, skanky ho. It’s a shame you won’t be locked up in a lice-infested 4x8 closet and made to wallow around in your own filth. But I guess that would be cruel and inhuman punishment - for the lice, that is.

I hope she dies.

Gosh, their jail cells will be bigger than that!!

I am pretty tough when it comes to crap like this. I’d do my best to treat them the exact same way. They each get a 4X8 cell (not scaled to their size) and all their court determined sentence time is to be spent in the exact same conditions (dark, no running water, toilet, clean clothes, fresh air, the works). Nothing is too good for these people. Taking thier kid away means nothing to them. If they had any love for the kid, they never whould have done this. Treat them exactly as they treated the child, but for longer.

Then, maybe you could brand them and set them loose in a large group of people awaiting adoptions. Let them get torn to shreds.

Unfortunately she’ll probably serve six months in an air-conditioned penitentiary watching VH1 and learning beautician skills. Undoubtedly she’ll be pregnant upon her release via Jethro the night guard and awarded early parole for good behavior. What a world we live in.
Pass the salt.

This woman is probably salvageable.

It’d be damned expensive, and take a long time, but it’s do-able. And unless you’re looking for vengance (which belongs to God), it’s the correct option. The down-side of this is, that once she’s been brought up to society’s sandards for social and familial responsibility, how will she live with herself? I see two paths at that point: She spends the rest of her life trying to make amends; or she kills herself in remorse.

Of course, what’s most likely to happen is she’ll be locked-up for a while, and then everyone will forget about her, and she’ll be released upon society, worse than before.

In the mean time, I desperately fear for her child: A 25lb 8yo is way too damn small, she’s lost a dangerous amount of weight, and is likely seriously malnourished. She’s likely to have lifelong health, learning, and socialization problems, unless given very special attention. I doubt that the kind of attention she needs will be made available to her: Our society doesn’t seem prepared or willing to shoulder the cost. I hope I’m wrong.

Amen…BROTHER. I am constantly amazed at the low level of people in this world who procreate. I feel like every female at the SDMB should have a child just to balance out the idiocy. :slight_smile:

Seriously though, I nearly cried when I heard this story on the news the other day. I heard they showed her a picture of the sun and she said she wasn’t sure what it was.

Whether that was just a little fabricated sentimentality thrown on the end of the story or not…it made me sick.


Death by friction
Wait, according to the story the poor girl was 8 years old, 3 feet tall, weighted 25 lbs and had the verbal skills of a 3 year old?

I amend what I would consider proper punishment:
Death by friction while being showered with salty lemon juice while listening to a recording of children crying.

Just to clarify, there is a father involved here, too. TWO adults allegedly did this. Unbelievable. I hope people like Tranquilis and my brother-in-law pray for these people to be reformed and brought back into society (as is probably the right thing to do). In the meantime, I’ll be hoping they die horrific deaths, but not before being slowly tortured in a small space.

Tranquilis, you’re a better person than I.


Shit like this sickens me. That poor little girl will never know justice, no matter what they do to her “mother” it will never be enough to make up the trauma. What sort of sick fucking bitch can do this to her child? I don’t give a shit if it wasn’t her idea, she let it happen. She should burn in hell for that and even that is too good for her. Let’s just lock her away for the rest of her life in a closet with urine and her own feces to eat. Once a day someone can open a hole in the wall and poke her with a rod to make sure she is awake and scared. I pray she’ll never find any peace in life and that she will live in fear that Someone, some day, some where will get even.

There is none.

Would I be heartbroken if there was some Jeffrey Dahmer-style “jailhouse justice” enacted by the inmates?


It’s sad to say, but there have been similar children. “Lucie” was kept strapped to a potty chair for most of her life until she was 12. I . . . it would be hard to describe in anything close to accurate detail what happened to her, but let us say that her father shot himself an hour before the police found her. Her mother was, from what I recall, handicapped and nearly blind. “Lucie” lived to be about 40, if memory serves. When she was discovered she had learned to walk staggered-like (think really drunk person walking), she was as skinny as a rail and equally pale. The room in which she lived had a sole light and a window too high for her to see much of anything out of. When she made noise her father would beat her until she stopped, so needless to say she was quiet for a very long time after she was discovered. She never gained speech faculties beyond that of a 3-year-old or so.

The researchers who did work with her are another story. “Hey, let’s try to recreate the inhuman conditions in which she was found for the betterment of science!” Pricks of the worst kind, along with her father and this couple.

Proper punishment I don’t think I want to be able to fathom, but it would involve treatment not fit for rabies-infected rats.

They’re being charged with “injury to a child”. If this isn’t a good case for sterilization*, I don’t know what is.

*I’m not saying sterilization is a bad thing. Some people prefer things that way, as we know. But these two shouldn’t be allowed to breed anymore than they already have.

Unfuckingbelievable. I think the prior two investigations need to be considered, but I’m sure that,legally, they can’t. Shame, since there is obviously a long hyistory of abuse. It didn’t look like the mother had missed a meal in some time, either. Christ, what a waste of skin, what a Jerry Springer candidate.

I can’t even describe the feelings I’m feeling right now, though I’m sure if my coworkers were around and happened to walk into my cube, they’d back slowly out after seeing my face.

I say: send them to prison, general population. That should do the trick. Prisoners love child abusers. Social justice.

If this helps any. I have heard that child abusers are treated the worst in prison…so “mom” and “dad” should enjoy some serious abuse of their own in prison. I assume they will not be watching much cable and become slaves to some of the other inmates – hopefully for many, many, many years.

< pray they get loads of prison time >

Gotta agree with iampunha… at the very LEAST sterilization should be mandatory, not as a punishment necessarily, but simply as an extremely practical, humane measure done for the sake of any future offspring. As someone said that the death penalty was most apt for crimes of the nature of Timothy McVeigh’s, so sterilzation would be particularly apt here. THEN we’ll talk about the death penalty…

Back when I was a lot younger and a whole lot more naive I worked three nights a week in a liquor store. The woman who worked the other three nights worked full-time days for the state child services agency. She told me about some of the things they dealt with. Like the four brothers and sisters(5-12) who were taken from their folks and placed in a foster home. She said their parents sold them. I was puzzled, “Sold them?” I asked. Turns out it wasn’t permanent, just for an hour or so at a time. I nearly threw up. I hope those kids got better, as will pray the little 8-yr old does. When I die I am going to have some very pointed questions to ask God. We don’t know the meaning of things that happen in this world, but in the next I want to know.

Tranquilis - Vengeance belongs to God? Damn!

Springer fans should be offended to be likened to these parents. They are the scum that other scum scrape from their shoes. Apparently, bacteria are not the lowest form of life on this planet.

We’re only seeing one side of this. The news story doesn’t say WHY they locked the girl in a closet. She may have been very bad. I’m a parent (well, stepparent) and though I think 4 months may be a bit excessive, a week or so in the Box of Punishment can do wonders for correcting a child’s bad attitude.

I don’t see any credible reason for locking a child in a prison like that at all for any length of time.


Will you people PLEASE put a fucking notice about bad shit happening to children in the subject!!!

This is like the third time this week that I’ve read something about kids that gave me nightmares.

And don’t give me that shit “If you don’t like it, don’t read it.” It’s fucking hard to do when there’s no clue in the subject line or it pops up out of the blue like Matt’s, “Daddy comes up to here in me” toddler.

Fuuuuuuuck! Have some mercy on me.

Badtz, please for the love of Goddess, tell me you were joking.