OK so I’ve been developing my philosophy on how society should function based upon what I consider libertarian socialist ideals. I’m not looking to convince anybody at this point but thought that I would throw my ideas into the crucible of Great Debates for refinement and feedback. So if I change my position slightly throughout the debate I hope you can cut me some slack.
Feel free to address any weakness or inconsistency, although fundamental principles are likely only to be slightly refined.
Throughout the following I am addressing the ways that humans act together. This will apply in the present to governments engaged in their typical actions (collecting taxes, arresting and imprisoning citizens, waging war, etc…), criminal organizations, or financial entities such as corporations. In the future I’m hoping for more fluid organizations that exhibit less coercive behavior.
Fundamental Principles
Insomuch as people function as a society, that society should enhance the capacities of individuals to make meaningful choices and perform voluntary actions.
Insomuch as societal coercion is implemented, it should be to the least degree necessary to achieve the optimal amount of freedom for as many as possible.
3.The acheivement of a society that reflects the above ideals and the transition from current societies should obey the first two principles.
Coercion - The denial of personal freedom or basic needs necessary for personal freedom by one or more individuals upon one or more others.
Personal Freedom - The capacity of an individual to make meaningful choices and perform voluntary actions that do not deny or inhibit other individuals capacities to do the same.
Destructive behavior -limits the freedoms of other individuals with no consideration for the general good. This generally includes violence and coercion.
Humanity, while capable of destructive behavior, responds well when in not in conditions of material scarcity
and when in societies that encourage and reward trustworthy behavior.
The current conditions of humanity do not provide the optimal environment that would help limit destructive
behavior without coercion.
Humanity has the potential to live in much greater freedom than it does today if it can assure material abundance and the creation of healthy societies that recognize strategies of increasing cooperation and reducing coercion.
Are you with me so far? I imagine there is much more explaning that needs to be done, but this seems the best place to start. Ask away. I hope people are at least curious. If we can get past these initial beginnings we can move on to practical implications.