Debate Poll

Mods can move this, because I’m not sure whether this goes under elections, or the usual place to post polls. I’m putting it here, because I should have posted it with my “Summarize the Debate” post.

So, for those who watched it, who won?

Clinton stomped him.

Hillary schlonged him… :slight_smile:

Not a Clinton or Trump supporter here.

Clinton absolutely killed him. He could not control his thin-skinned temperament.

Mild Clinton supporter: she trounced him. But he held his own (insofar as he could, given that his policies are largely stupid) for the opening 15-20 minutes, which is the part most voters watched.

He conclusively demonstrated that he is temperamentally and intellectually unsuited to the job he claims to seek. I can’t decide whether Hillary trounced him, or he trounced himself.

Not American. Real polls of American voters say Clinton won. Therefore, she won.

I didn’t even have to watch it to tell you that. The voters say she killed him. So she did. It does not matter how she actually performed; what matters is the impression it had on the voters. If she spent the entire ninety minutes doing mime but the voters say “Clinton won,” she won.

For real. During the debate I kept turning to my wife and asking, “Did he–did he actually say that out loud?” It was an incredible performance on Trump’s part, and not in a good way at all. Near the end I was wondering whether my takeaway (that Trump came across significantly less presidential than a meth-addled gibbon) would be the general takeaway, or if somehow the mainstream opinion would be that Trump was dominant and commanding.

I was terrified of the latter, because if people decided that he won that debate, there’d be no stopping him. Fortunately, that’s not what happened.

Well not entirely. It’s not a simple yes/no. How badly Trump lost matters and in what manner it was done matters. When the highlights reel shows Trump proud of not paying taxes and how he managed to not insult Clinton and her family, it carries more “loser” weight than a simple “Hillary seemed better prepared” type loss.

The debate was pretty much a draw, he drew a blank, and she drew blood.

I voted Clinton stomped Trump, though I thought in reality, Trump stomped Trump.


There’s another thread about how people are skewing internet poll results with multiple voting … I can’t figure out how to do that here … any ideas?

Good point. Trump is his own worst enemy!

I gave The Donald a slight edge, and it’s a matter of expectations. Hillary had to be perfect, she’s the best qualified, most experienced and far and away the best choice for President. However, The Donald managed not to punch her in the face so by all accounts he was at his very best.

There’s a way to do it with a smartphone but I am not sure if it would be acceptable for me to be more specific than that here.

I swear that second vote isn’t mine …

So I averaged the results here with the Drudge Report poll and can now say scientifically that the debate was an exact draw.

She handily won… Only the completely delusional trumpbots would say otherwise (or those that want to act like trolls and get some internet attention by refusing the obvious)

As I noted in the other thread:

Seeing that Trump and followers are believing in the unscientific polls, regardless that they are setting them for failure, what he and others have done to the polls are perfect examples of Cargo cult science. Many republicans are fooling themselves.