Debaters my ass!

Yes under the current standards of medicine, it would absolutely fall apart.

kidchameleon is right on the money for this one.

What is ironic, as I realize I would rather not open that thread up again. Is that I specifically stated multiple times on the thread.

“If you can provide to me that reiki does not work, in the majority sense, then I would accept this as defeat in my debate.”

The irony is that I did read all of the articles, and if any of them had taken the time to read them also, they could have used my own information against me.

Because alternative medicine, in the majority sense, has proved that reiki does not work.

Yet, they went the route of useless bullshit.

And arguing a point you know is wrong isn’t bullshit?

No, it’s trolling. He’s a pretty obvious troll, 79 posts in 2 threads and one post elsewhere.

Try reading the thread befor you cover me with your accepted food type.

This is all anyone needs to read to see that you’re just a fucking troll:

I’d think about saying English is not your first language. At least then you’d have an excuse.

As in… you acknowledge it has no observable effect?

Now understand that we can understand if something works without understanding why it works. If you claim that you have a magical invisible turtle that if it walks on my skin will turn my skin blue. We can see whether the skin turns blue without understanding the magical turtle.

Similarly, even if we don’t understand the magical energy fields of Reiki, we’d be able to see a difference in the outcomes of patients that receive Reiki and those that don’t, so long as they don’t know which group they’re in.

What proof would you accept? Specifically.

Spelling correction mine.(can you people not even get the spelling right before denying a man exists, and works?)

I don’t know what the hell alternative medicine has to do with it, but Ray Key does work. The guy has been woodcutting for over 40 years and there is no sign of him slowing down now. He is still giving master classes as I cited above. He doesn’t bullshit - he cuts a mean piece of wood.

For arguments sake, If they had provided the data which I gave them in group form to show me that the studies I posted, overwhelmed the data accepting reiki.

In reality. I acknoweldge the reiki is not immediately accepted by everyone, and I acknowledge science will not understand it completely for a long time. But in reality, in our current acceptance of science for the major populus, who would accept it. But it sure is on it’s way. You are either raised ignorant, or become ignorant in this culture, it is a choice of whether or not you should expand on what is available to you that is the real question.

I provided an argument where an argument was needed in my opinion. The reiki field as a belief is not actively advocated, and since I noticed it was being trashed. What the hell. Why not? Atleast I didn’t pop in as an extremist and throw down all caps in big letters going “I LOVE REIKI”.

I provided some data that showed that reiki worked, and gave down to an average number of vascular damage reduced by reiki. I did provide only one human study that gave placebo reiki and regular reiki, and showed the results.

Specifically on a human level they can’t understand it in the study of alternative medicine - yet.

What proof would you accept? Specifically.

Provided answer above.

Understand why I’m reactive in an aggressive way. I have been fine tuned to be pissed at non-contributors of this forum.

In 8 days?!? And there may be non-contributors piling on you, but I’d much rather be a non-contributor than someone pumping out bullshit that I knew was bullshit.

Then I feel sorry for you for not having a belief you would not defend if being trashed.

I’m uh… having to spend too much time trying to decipher. Good luck.

Go to bed, Rich. Your non-sensical statements were quirky earlier, now they’re just sad. Get some sleep, and maybe tomorrow you’ll start making sense.

Wow i fucked that sentence up.
Mini keyboard conversion = Then I feel sorry for you, for not having a belief you would defend if being attacked.

Maybe just a nap then?

Sorry your accepted food type just landed on my shirt. This was 100% cotton!!

What was that you said?

I thought reaching bedrock would be enough, but now you’ve cast aside the shovel and are frantically scraping your way downward with your fingernails.

I kinda read a little bit of the thread linked in the OP, and I get the impression that rich probably won’t fit in here.

Sorry, around here we recognize “open your mind” as “check out this crap someone just made up”.

Crazyhorse, changing the text of another poster’s words within the quote boxes is against the rules, even when done in an obvious or jesting manner. Please don’t do this again.

No warning issued.

Could that be anymore obvious?

First of all, I entered into a debate I knew I was going to lose. As I stated multiple times in the thread.

Second of all I provided my debate in confidence and with what I could. As any Christian would if someone was combatting god. Yet god is not proven scientifically. The fight still goes on.

Finally, if you view any religions as crap. Damn. That is all.

I don’t have to acknowledge that something doesn’t work in science, Doesn’t work in all cases.