Decent wireless router?

I was planning on heading to Wally World to get a Linksys model, but after checking Amazon’s reviews it looks like there’s some major reliability issues with the newer models. Scanning over Netgear, D-link and Belkin models, it appears that there’s no such thing as a sure thing router. I’d be willing to spend the $120 on the only model that has over a 4 star rating (Belkin ), but would rather spend less if possible, especially considering that the Belkin doesn’t have nearly as many reviews as the other models. Any recommendations? Speed and reliablity are the biggest selling points over features and range.

I’d wait and get one with a rebate. For some reason wireless routers often are on sale with stupendously huge rebates, often costing 10, 5, or even 0 dollars afterwards.

At different times I’ve bought a DLink, an SMC, and a ‘Gigafast’ wireless router than I don’t think cost more than 20$ all together. I can’t remember right now which one is the most reliable, and given that some companies ship different hardware with the same model number, you might be best just buying a few really cheap ones and trying your luck.

I bought a Linksys Wireless-G from Best Buy when I was last in NYC, and it doesn’t work. (It might be because I changed the DC power adapter for one designed for a 240V circuit, but still the lights are all on yet the computer can’t see it.) And because I bought it in the US, I can’t return the damn thing.

Not recommended.

I bought the D-Link XtremeG 4-Port 802.11G Wireless Router (DI624) last week (it was on for $69 CAD). I love it - I actually get faster download speeds than I did when I was wired. The only problem I have is that I seem to get disconnected from MSN randomly at times - but I don’t lose connection on anything else, downloads or otherwise. And the signal transmits all over my two-floor apartment, through walls, etc. So I’d give it a try - it is on the cheap side anyway.

I work in IT and I have a Linksys WRT54G wireless router. It has always acted flawlessly and I couldn’t be happier with it. I have also bought tons of other Linksys products for clients with few problems. I consider Linksys to be the category leader in those types of products. I have never heard they aquired a less than great reputation.

Same here… I have the Linksys WRT54G and hven’t really had a problem with it. I’ve never been a big fan of D-Link, but can’t really think of why.

WRT54G here too. Works fine on peripherals BUT I can’t get the PC XP-Pro to recognize it.
I have not been able to get the Internet Options and Network Connections configured properly.
Maybe the terminology confuses me when trying to use the Windows Utility.
Can anyone tell me what I have to do?

I was a Linksys fan. I bought an 802.11b router (BEFW11S4, I think) several years ago for $180 and got my money’s worth.

I thought it was time to go to “G” and bought a Linksys WRK54G (plus wireless USB adapter) in a bundle for $80.

I had to reboot the WRK54G at least once a day for locking up (even the devices hardwired to it lose communication) and the refurb unit Linksys shipped me had the same problem. After a month of various firmware swaps and headscratching Linksys support had no idea what my problem could be, so I went back to my old router and the WRK54G is decorating a shelf in my garage.

The USB adapter works, but the driver crashes semi-regularly when I shut down, necessitating a hard restart.

Now I avoid Linksys.

My experience with wireless routers is that it has alot more to do with the place it is set up than the actual brand. However based solely on my past experiences I would buy a Linksys router first and a D-Link last.