Deep Space Nine

Ds9 had the most continuity of characters and I liked the war story, but Sisko was like Kirk in the school of over-acting. I guess it would be cool to just have the entire war story episodes listed together to watch the war over time. What would it be? Half the series?

Odo, Garak and Quark were great at wise ass sit-com, the gay subtext of many of their episodes is hilarious, if you are clued in on it. Anybody else catch that?

not much to say that hasn’t been said. Only chiming in with my vote: DS9 is the best trek, hands down. Odo was my favorite, but I cared about every main character more than anyone on voyager and enterprise.

What, you mean Odo, Garak, and Quark diddled each other in a three-way?

Subtext you freaking moron.

Hey, only the women characters kissed on DS9!

The men just wanted to.
And the Ferengi ruled!

Well, Bashir and O’Brien did spend an inordinate amount of time in Quark’s holosuites.

DS9 had a Gothic feel to it that the other ST’s didn’t.
If we really do get out there we will have all this excess energy and, like Medieval kings, we will build these immense structures, spaceships with flying buttresses.
And it’s the only ST that doesn’t use a federation ship as a setting.

Moderators Notes

drhess , I will thank you to keep these kind of abusive comments out of this forum.

Thank you

Actually the Cardassians (whose necks are Gothic) built DS9 as Terok Noir (sp).

-CP, whose spell chekcer is Gothic.

Oh, sorry, you can only flame in the pit?

<insert Beavis-and-Butthead-like snicker here>

Sometimes. Many of the episodes were set on the Defiant – particularly during the one-year gap between the end of ST:TNG and ST:Voyager where many of the old TNG scripts that hadn’t gotten produced were turned into DS9 scripts. (That episode where Jadzia Dax falls in love with the guy on the planet that only appears once every 50 years comes to mind. It was so obvious that it was originally supposed to be Deanna Troi in that role.)