This is the finals of our Democratic Primary World Cup tournament. Everyone is invited to vote in the poll. Feel free to add comments about why you chose one of these candidates over the other one.
I don’t see a poll.
There it is! Tough choice, since I like both candidates. I went with Harris, but it’s very close for me.
If there is no winner, will they go to extra time and then penalty kicks?
I like Warren more, but I think Harris is very likely more electable and my own bias is usually towards making the pragmatic choice over the the idealistic one. shrug
I voted Warren here for personal preference. In an actual vote it would probably swing the other way, depending on how the campaign was going of course.
Now that the dust has settled from the Mueller report, Warren has become my favorite. Whether I like it or not, Donald Trump is my president and his presidency is legitimate. Now that I have come to terms with that, getting a non-Republican in by 2021 is no longer of cardinal importance to me. Warren’s gone way out there on a few things like student loan debt and I don’t like her fiery pleas for impeachment, but the Democrats are in such an unenviable position with that anyway. We can withstand four more years of Trump if the voters are too misguided and possibly sexist to elect her over him. Harris, if the nominee, might face quite a bit of sexism in her own right if enough people think she slept her way to the top.
Harris, mainly for being young(ish), but I’d be quite happy with Warren as well.
Harris, easy choice.
She’s held elected office since 2004. How do you sleep your way into winning elections?
Of course I’m not saying anyone thinks she wins elections that way. While it’s highly unlikely this will be something I care about (nor have I read about it), what is being said about how she got into political office in the first place and what inferences might some draw from that?
It’s not unusual for friends or mentors to help a protégé get a job, but of course the haters and liars will try to make this about dirty sex.
Off-topic question:
The headline from Washington Liar is about a “$120,000 patronage job,” though their article admits it was $70,000. Is this sort of shortcut practiced by reputable newspapers?
Covfefe, Trump is my President, too, and I like it not at all, and that’s why I want to legitimately get him out of power as soon as possible. I’m not sure how Mueller saying that impeachment is the proper process for dealing with Trump somehow makes him more tolerable.
On the poll, at this point, I really want to see hard data on electability. What do the head-to-head polls say for each, with what margins of error?
Here’s the Real Clear Politics polling page on the current Democratic candidates. At this moment the polling averages are:
Biden 31.9%
Sanders 15.0 %
Warren 11.9%
Buttigieg 7.1%
Harris 7.1%
And since Thing Fish hasn’t shown up yet, here’s the polls showing the head to heads. On the first page of polls on a quick glance, Warren is either leading or even with Harris in beating Trump.
The idea gets brought up from time to time that Trump is symptomatic of deeper problems and I never could wrap my head around more than a sliver of that (or come to terms that Trump is even president) until recently and now it’s almost all I see on most fronts. It’s like we’re in a Dostoevsky novel where most of the characters are trying to manipulate one another. Maybe the degree of this truly happening is not atypical, in any case it’s extremely overt what little value words have right now, and a lot of what passes for news is deja vu.
I’m no longer burdened with thinking this has to make sense, therefore, cognizant as I am of some dangers among the overall incompetence like Bolton and McConnell, a highly intelligent policy wonk like Warren puts me at ease. I no longer worry my instincts have told me she is perceived as inauthentic or hypocritically sanctimonious by voters who matter or that the push for impeachment could backfire.
Sudden death.
Thanks, Heffalump and Roo, that’s what I was looking for. But it looks like the data are still thin and not very definitive. Warren’s small advantage might just be from name recognition, at this point. So I’ll continue to hold off on my pick for now.