Dennis Madalone: For Real?

Is Dennis Madalone actually an über-patriot earnestly trying to heal the wounds of 9/11 or an ironic genius who has achieved meta-glurge? I realize this one may require hunting him down and injecting massive amounts of sodium pentothal, but I must know.

Total glurge crap.

I am now dumber for having witnessed that video.

Profiting off of a tragedy was once considered bad form.

I wish I could be so sure. No amount of research on “Dennis Madalone”, “U.F.A.W.C.F.” or “B.H.U.S.O.” is telling me much.

It would appear he used to be the stunt co-ordinator for Star Trek: DS9, FWIW.

I wasn’t going to mention this because it seems so ridiculous, but since you point that out, I have to say that the woman who appears with the baby in the middle of the video looks a lot like Patricia Tallman from Babylon 5.

Fuck. We’re doomed. I already knew that we were, but the pile of tangible proof keeps growing every day. Either that guy in the shitty video or I need to die. ASAP.

For those of us without Quick Time, could someone tell us what’s in that video?

Really bad 80’s lookin singer with absolutely no talent singin about how America will stand as one. He Most of the video is him standing in front of dramatic backgrounds with American flags draped everywhere and misty pictures of firemen walking into the sky as angels. REALLY BAD.

Oh, and his is constantly trying to emote with his arms and it just makes him look really selfconscious. Crap.

Hey, I think it’s good that Steve Perry can still get work these days.

[sub]Wait, no I don’t…[/sub]

Oh the horror. I would love to know how many people bought this video.

Wait… no I wouldn’t. :eek: