Desperate Housewives 10/8

The Scavos experience more disruption by whatsherface, and I believe the gardener is back in bed with Gabi.

More later…

This show really puts the ‘hor’ in ‘horticulture’, doesn’t it?

I love how they stuck Danielle in there with nary an explanation for her prior absence.

John is not hot anymore. Boo.

Oh, John is so still hot. Maybe not as hot as he used to be but still not cracker-banish worthy.

And Austin’s looking better this week too. Not quite sure why. And Andrew’s back, and he’s a man-whore. That coud be fun…

I could not be any more bored with Ian and Suzzzzz…snurchugh oh, sorry, that storyline is so dull I nodded off for a moment. And now Mik’es out of his coma and I am just not up for yet another round of “attractive men who could do so much better inexplicably fight over Susan Myer.” And isn’t she still technically married to Carl, AKA Lover Number 9? And, ew, how nasty was it for Ian and Susan to keep using the word “lover” over and over? Total squickage.

I love how Orson the alleged serial killer is the most normal member of the family unit.


I liked this episode. It had a certain wit and poignancy.

I liked how Gabrielle’s gardner refused to engage in a long term relationship with her. The scene with her leaving the suitcase and that exit line about saving on airfare was very funny.

The Andrew storyline was pretty good. He’s still angry with his mother and that makes sense.

My husband and I were discussing a tribute dinner to Terri Hatcher/Susan Meyer.

Start with cherry tomatoes atop a turkey breast. Move to chicken bones and strawberries for dessert. Good lord could that woman be any skinnier?

Mr. Faux Hugh Grant is getting on my nerves. I too wonder why any man would find her attractive. She’s largely an idiot. I do like how they show that at least her daughter has some common sense and brains. Her refusal to be totally impressed with Edie’s nephew is cute.

I was so prepared to bust out my witty observations…and then Otto summed up everything I wanted to say in Paragraph 2…and better. Darn you to Heck!

Make that Paragraph 3, above. I have no excuse.

Mike in a coma is/was more interesting than Susan and that other guy.

Otherwise, I liked the conflict with Andrew, the Scavos’ continuing adventure, and Gabi in the suitcase.

[QUOTE=LavenderBlueMy husband and I were discussing a tribute dinner to Terri Hatcher/Susan Meyer.

Start with cherry tomatoes atop a turkey breast. Move to chicken bones and strawberries for dessert. Good lord could that woman be any skinnier?


I was actually thinking she was looking better this season, less gaunt. She actually has some meat on her bones.

Except for Andrew, this episode was kind of a snoozer for me. Lynette and Nora fighting, ho-hum. Will they or won’t they with Susan and Ian, ho-hum. Gabi realizing she’s going to be all alone, ho-hum.

I hate hate hate Nora. I hate the actress’s face and voice. I hate the character. I think the whole storyline is repulsive.

I can’t explain the hate, I just feeeel the hate.