Desperately seeking apple recipes.

I have about 10 gallons of tartish (as opposed to sweetish) apples and over the next couple of days I’m going to use gramma’s old super duper peeler/slicer/corer, cut out the (way too many) bug tunnels, and freeze them.

I’m tired of making pie. Today I’m making crisp instead but that’ll get old, too.


Apple Brown Betty’s an option. So’s apple butter. You can make apple butter, can it and give it as gifts. Oh, and there’s Jewish Apple cake, too.

Go to and have a ball. :slight_smile:

You can also cook regular meals with apples.

Apple Salad:

Sliced apples
Romain Lettuce
Crumbled Blue cheese
Walnuts (or pecans)
Topped with dressing (preferably ranch/blue cheese or italian/oregano vinegrette)

Baked Chicken with apples

Chicken breasts in a baking dish
A sweeter white wine (not a dessert sweet wine…try a sauvignon blanc) that lines the baking dish and goes up 2/3 of the way up the chicken breast
Top with sliced apples
Add a liberal amount of lemon juice

Bake at 350 until the chicken is done.

dorkusmalorkusmafia, these apples aren’t good enough for recipes like yours…they’re really bad. Had I known earlier this summer I was going to be messing with them this fall I’d have made grampa spray them.

But I’m right now in the middle of making a HUGE batch of apple butter…waaaaaaaaay too huge.

Eight gallons of apples to go…

You may be surprised with the chicken dish. The tart apples of dubious quality give a faint apple flavor to the chicken but you don’t necessarily eat them. You probably want those to be more tart anyway. You could probably substitute apple juice but it wouldn’t be as pretty. :slight_smile:

Apple butter is really good. I don’t like making it because then I have to bake bread (or bagels) to go with it and that is just too time consuming.

Can you also make apple cider from them or are they too nasty for that?

Apple cider, in my opinion tastes better when made with a blend of apples.

Also, I’ve made a cornbread stuffing with apples that freezes well. It doesn’t call for much apple, though, but it’s still not a bad option.

Isn’t there a recipe to make apples taste like Ritz Crackers?

applesauce! It may not taste great if your apples don’t, but you can use it in plenty of recipes as a healthy alternative to oil, and in the following recipe for applesauce cake (it’s by Martha Stewart, and it is, to use one of her favourite words, fucking delicious. It actually gets better over the days)

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