Dexter coming back in 2021

10 episodes

‘Dexter’ Revived at Showtime for Limited Series – The Hollywood Reporter

and yes I know a lot of people disliked the last season and the ending so please spare me those comments

I agree that there’s no reason to single out Season 8 - Seasons 5, 6, and 7 were bad, too.

Will Dee-Dee be coming back, too?

:rofl: :clown_face:

She’s dead now, isn’t she? Unless this is a prequel

This looper article gives a nice overview of the eight seasons. There were so many plot twists and killings it became very confusing. I’m not sure even Dexter fully understood his entire life story.

Obviously there are spoilers for the old show.

is there any big name show that people liked the ending? GOT, Sopranos, Dexter, etc I guess I am a rare guy who was OK with those endings. Not great, but they were OK to me. They could have been better but they could have been worse.

The Mary Tyler Moore Show, MASH, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager, Friends and Frasier spring to mind.

And Newhart!

But all these examples are shows that didn’t have to wrap up a story the same way. Ugh, except for Ross and Rachel. Lol.

Breaking Bad, Spartacus, Justified, The Wire, The Good Place, Black Sails of the top of my head.

Person of Interest (yes, the final season was shorter than it should have been, but the resolution was excellent).

at least nobody had a petition to ask for the last Dexter season to be redone. :slight_smile:

they went way overboard on MASH final, 2.5 hours. I could see 1 hour at most.

I always assumed they filmed in Miami but it was LA. Guess they had all they needed in LA

So that’s what this thread is about? Well, dammit. I thought it was @C_K_Dexter_Haven who was coming back to the SDMB.

I just don’t get why. That’s not to shit on Dexter, it was a good enough show. And I understand that 90% of the film and television industry today is composed reboots, revivals and “reimaginings”. But even by that standard this feels kind of pulled out of a hat. Is there a significant Dexter fanbase out there desperate for this to happen?

I think it’s a response to the vast number of shows. Supposedly there are over 500 shows among all of the broadcast, basic cable, premium cable and streaming channels or services. It’s really hard for any one show to get attention, so a reboot of a known series is going to get at least some attention from the curious. It’s the same reason all of the movies seem to be sequels or reboots.

success has many fathers, failure is an orphan. They figure a reboot is much less risky than something new. HBO is easily #1 for pay networks so the others have to do more to get viewers.

Breaking Bad. Widely praised as one of the best series finales ever. The ending to Six Feet Under is also highly regarded.

I’ll reiterate that Breaking Bad’s finale was extremely well received. In older shows, Star Trek: TNG and Babylon 5 both had well-liked finale episodes.

Cheers had a decent ending. And let’s not forget MASH which set the gold standard for series finales.

I’ll be really happy if in this ‘extra’ season Dexter realizes that the Dark Passenger is in fact his father and that his father’s influence on his early life is the entire reason Dexter is a serial killer . . . I expect to not be happy.

I not only didn’t forget it, I already posted it.