Diabetics..do you use Byetta??

I’m going to start using it in the next few days and wonder what your experience is with it as far as efficacy and side effects.

I understand that the ‘pen’ has to be kept refrigerated. If you travel a lot do you have any issues keeping it cold?
I’m moderately overweight and understand that it might cause me to lose some weight (certainly a desireable side effect). Have you lost weight?

Thanks in advance for your replies!

I use it twice a day. 10mcg per injection. They usually start you out on 5mcg, twice a day, and then after a month, they’ll up the dosage to the 10mcg, twice a day.

I have had NO side effects at all from using it. Some people get nausea, but that is the worst I’ve heard, and then it will go away in a few weeks.
Oh yes, it does help with weight loss! The thing that it does for me, is that it diminishes my appetite. When I first started the injections, I lost 44lbs. rather quickly. Just within 2 1/2 or 3 months.

Yes, it must be refrigerated, and when we travel, I use a nifty pack that I sent away for, that was free, from the makers of Byetta, which is Lilly. Go to the Byetta website, and maybe they’ll still have the offer. It’s a nice little denim pack, with two cold packs and lots of room for the Byetta, my insulins, needles, alcohol pads and everything!
Good luck. Do let us know how you do on it!

My wife uses Byetta and loves it. She experienced the nausea for a couple of weeks but it was managable and went away. Some of her friends tried it and weren’t able to work through that stage so YMMV. Weight loss, due to a reduction in appetite, occurs and certainly is a nice side-effect. However, the major benefit is her sugars are very well under control and she has been able to cut back on her meds. The shots take some getting used to, but she handles them well. She was never taking insulin. The pens do have to be kept refrigerated and that can be difficult. Mostly we deal, and sometimes she has to skip a shot. Not a big deal but certainly not something you want to make a habit of. Highly recommended.

I tried Byetta for about 6 months. No dramatic impact on appetite or weight. Didn’t work well for glycemic control, either. I was on 10 mcg/day. My endocrinologist said it seemed to work for about 30% of her pts IIRC.

I travel a fair amount and agree the insulated pack is essential- and carry it in your carry-on luggage.

Good luck- Works well for some folks, I hear.

jsgoddess just started a thread about this drug the other day, as her husband is going on it. You might try searching for that thread…not sure how long it got or how much information was in it.

I don’t think much more than has already been posted, but here’s the link:

Good luck! We’ve been turned down for insurance coverage, so I’m not sure what our next step will be.

I used it for a few months. I had a mild version of the nausea side-effect: periods of gagging, which continued several months after I stopped taking it. At first it seemed to be the ultimate wonder-drug. It kept me from overeating and kept my blood suger down. But after a few months the benefits started to wear off. The main concern was that I have no health insurance, and was paying over $200/month, plus the other meds. Now I’m on a type of time-release insulin, which is very cheap and works.

My mother uses it. She did not have side effects with the 5mg dose, but when they tried to take her up to 10mg, she began to have cold flashes, nausea, headaches, and feelings of faintness. She likes it enough that she just went back down to 5mg and that plus metformin dose is enough to keep her blood sugar in check.

Mom got this little travel pack for her Byetta pen with a gel/ice insert. That is good for in the car, and then at night, most motels have little refrigerators in the rooms now. If the motel can’t do that, she has them put it in the refrigerator for her (behind the desk). According to Mom, motels are required by law to do this for guests with meds that require refrigeration, so it has never been a hassle.