Diablo 3 - 2.5 months later.

Here’s info on the 1.0.4 patch coming out next week. Big items: no more enrage timers on Champs and rares, no more “invulnerable minions”, lower HP increase in multiplayer, lower repair costs for high level gear, and lots of buffs on skills.

Right - Blizzard has never been known to push out expansion packs for their games. Or for cultivating a tremendous amount of goodwill for supporting their games far beyond what they need to. Or for wanting to perfect their product with continual tweaking over time.


That’s one that must have seemed like a good idea but is just so severely overpowered compared to the other affixes that it just doesn’t work. Maybe if it counted as two or three affixes.

Sign here if you would not buy a D3 expansion pack that purported to “fix the endgame”. If anything, making the endgame lacking makes it easier for them to sell expansions, not the reverse.

Just saying they’re in no way obligated to cater to you folks. It’s nice of them when they do, but seriously.

Also, how much of that “continual tweaking over time” goes into the single player side of their offerings?

There are certain advantages to maintaining a multiplayer community over time, but I don’t see those for a single player title.

Diablo 3 is not a single player title.

I love the implicit thesis statement of those patch notes :

“We were wrong.”

It’s dripping off of every paragraph.

Y’know, every time there’s a patch, I worry that they’re going to remove the trick I use on my Demon Hunter, and every time so far, it seems like they’ve actually improved it. And if what they’re saying about DoTs is true, it looks like that might just happen again.

And am I the only one who’s never had a particular problem with Invulnerable Minions? Sure, it can be annoying, but so can any affix, and a slot that’s taken up by IM is one that isn’t taken up by one of the ones my character has a real problem with (Reflect or Fast for my DH, Arcane or Nightmarish for my monk, etc.).

Yes it is. The large majority of people were playing it single player, and always were.

They forgot that and it cost them, in reputation if nothing else.


Not to mention that that the shared magic find and HP/damage scaling in multiplayer all but forced people to play alone.

I think the D3 expansions might be the first Blizzard games (besides WoW) that I don’t buy. I just feel so burnt on D3.

Whenever I see something just so terribly wrong, I always wonder how it made it through playtesting. Did they just hire a bunch of yes-men who only reported obvious bugs and never pointed out any obvious design flaws? Or were there QA testers who shared misgivings, only to be completely ignored by the dev team?

I don’t mind invulnerable after 1.03. 1.03 reduced the main guy’s hp so invulnerable was manageable and I liked the change up occasionally. The items and skills are the problem.

Yeah, I’d much rather they get rid of shielding.

They really screwed up the difficulty curve. If Inferno was viewed as optional endgame like the ubers in D2 and beating Hell was considered beating the game like it seems they intended, then so many complaints just disappear. Build diversity goes through the roof since any wacky build can get through Hell, you can get through Hell with items you find, or without farming. But they underestimated how much easier the AH made Hell, and let people beat inferno with bugs so they could pass down really good gear. Beating Hell doesn’t really feel like an accomplishment, and Inferno moves from “so hard only the crazies will do it” to “it’s super annoying, but I can make it through, and I haven’t beaten the game if I don’t”

It’s a really good game if you don’t use the AH, and consider beating Hell winning, but there are a lot of good games where you don’t have to put arbitrary constraints on yourself.

I think I have about 70 hours clocked in. Got stuck at Act 1 of Inferno, too frustrated at the continuous deaths (for no reward) and lost interest. I don’t really have anything to add that hasn’t been said by others already. I am disappointed with the game. I loved and played D2 to death multiple times but D3 was lacking to me. I don’t think that any patch or expansion pack could lure me back. I guess I’ll give it to my brother when he comes back from Afghanistan in a couple of months to try.

New Paragon System

In a nutshell, it addresses the huge issue of “well, I hit lvl 60 - now I’m done”, and the fact that the endgame is pretty non-existant. Once you hit lvl 60, you now continue to earn experience, leveling up your Paragon level. Each level continues to add Str/Dex/Vit/Int just as you did while normally leveling, AND it adds 3% magic/gold find per level. You also get a new fancy aura for every 10 levels. It caps out at 100.

IMO, this is huge. The last couple weeks, I’ve tapered off my playing, and when I do play, I’ve focused on getting a new character up to lvl 60 (I’m not a power-gamer, and my 2nd character is now at lvl 53 or something). But I can absolutely see how utterly boring it’d be for people who play way more/better than I do, and still want a sense of progression.

Along with this, they’re capping Magic/Gold find at 300% (before Neph. Valor), so once you hit Paragon lvl 100, you can drop all your M/G gear and focus on damage/defense. I like it.

It kind of seems a signal that new actual content is a ways out, though.

Don’t get me wrong, I like what they’re doing, but it seems like a stop-gap measure to make the existing content last longer before they put more on the plate.

The class changes perked my ears up. The new legendaries and rare drop rates got me a little excited. But it’s the new paragons levels that have me really rarin’ to play again. Can’t wait for the patch!

I like that. I keep having moments where I’m not doing very profitably, and I think to myself “Well, at least I’m still getting XP for this. Oh, wait.” And even if each level is just seven more pre-decided attribute points, hey, it’s still something.


A full list of changes. “Extensive” seems too small a word.

Holy crap! It’s the patch 1.10 of D3 and then some. Many, many good things. I’m excited to play the game again.

Also, this made me laugh:

I haven’t played in a month or so, not because I got sick of it, but because I had a bed bug problem that resulted in my bedroom, including my PC, getting quarantined. I just loaded the game up about 30 minutes ago.

Reading the patch notes got me really excited. Unfortunately I’m waiting for the maintenance to be done, so I searched for the most recent D3 thread and found this one. Maybe multiplayer will be worthwhile now?