Diablo experts--a question and general Magic Find discussion

I’ve been swamped and haven’t had much time to play but I was poking around today and did a quick Meph (I love magic-finding) run and found


:: cough ::

a pretty good suit of armor.

: cough ::

Listen to these specs! (my char is a Burizon)

Skullder’s Ire
Russet Armor
695 Defense
90 Durability
+1 to All Skills (I love this)
+185% Enhanced Defense
+60 Increased Durability
Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 10
Repairs 1 Durability every 5 seconds

which is all nice ‘n’ stuff

BUT—lookit this last stat

92% Better chance of getting magical item, which is nice until you see the last modifer: based on character level!!!



Now here’s the question:

What happens if I put a perfect topaz in the thing or (marginally better) an IST rune? If I understand how th’ “% based on char. level” thing works, as I go up in level, so will it. Right? (I’m level 74 right now). Will that ability to increase get fouled up if I add the gem? I don’t think it will, but…

And I don’t want to screw up the “% based on char level” thing, 'cause this could go WAY high as I increase. If I’m at 74 and it’s giving me 92%, assuming a 1 for 1 increase (which is too low or it would be 74% right now), I’ll be at 144% MF when I get to (HA!) level 100! :eek:

What I’m afraid of doing is sticking the Topaz in and seeing that poof! The armor now has a 24% MF and nothing else.

Assuming I can put a perfect Topaz in, it’ll up my current MF to 368 (and up the hypothetical total when I reach 100 to 394). Currently I’m at a 344.

According to a guide I read, the trick is to get your MF above 350 and while every point is nice, anything above 350 isn’t all that necessary, 'cause that’s when you start getting diminishing returns on Unique and Set items (and those what I’m looking for of course! :smiley: ), so it’s in my best interest to put the topaz (or ITH rune, if I ever find one) in it.

Comments? Suggestions? Other MF discussion?


I’m pretty sure you meant IST rune instead of ITH since you mentioned it earlier.

I personally think IST is a waste on a Skullder’s Ire. A perfect TOPAZ is fine.

when you add the Perfect TOPAZ to the Skullder’s Ire the stats would just add 24% more MF on top of the scaling MF modifier.

So it would be like 24% + 1.25*CLevel (not sure if it’s 1.25 or 1.5)

So it should look like this on ur armor:

Skullder’s Ire
Russet Armor
695 Defense
90 Durability
+1 to All Skills (I love this)
+185% Enhanced Defense
+60 Increased Durability
Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 10
Repairs 1 Durability every 5 seconds
92% MF based on char level
24% MF (from the perfect topaz, or 25% from an IST rune)

I haven’t been online in ages as well, just logging on my chars here and there (i have about 100+chars in 20accts, including my hardcore accts and chars. hehe)

Best range for MF i find is the 100% to 200% range.

To me MF = BS, MF doesn’t really help all that much. It is luck finding good items. I think the quantity of kills is a better indicator of finding good items. With an average MF with good kill speed, you should be better than say a weak char with godly MF.

I’ve found more hard to find items by just playing the game with non-MF chars than I do when I use massive MF chars doing tedious pindle/meph/cow runs.

I wouldn’t put too much stock in MF. to find items you just need to hit a lot of bosses (when farming meph/pindle) or just plain play unhealthy amounts of D2.

While that’s true, MF essentially make it like your killing that many more enemies. Less time, more stuff.

People on b.net and dii.net would highly disagree, and suggest that 550% is a good target.

There is a very big misunderstanding about MF. It does NOT improve the class of item that drops (a Fallen is going to drop a lot of sashes, more MF will not get it to drop a Hydra bow). What it does is improve your chances of getting a better type. For example, if you’re getting a lot of white items (nonmagical) more MF will improve your changes of it being blue (magical), yellow (rare), green (set), or gold (unique).

People who run Pindleskin thousands of time will testify on their own life that you’re chances of getting a Windforce to drop vastly improve with more MF, not more runs. If you’re not getting good drops, you should find out who you need to be killing to get them.

As an aside, I was using this page as a reference when I said the magic (ha! :smiley: ) number was 350.

MF    Mag     Rare     Set       Unique 
0%   0%       0%       0%       0% 
100%   100%   100%   100%   100% 
150%   150%   146%   145%   141% 
200%   200%   185%   183%   171% 
250%   250%   220%   215%   193% 
300%   300%   250%   242%   211% 
400%   400%   300%   287%   236% 
500%   500%   340%   322%   253% 
600%   600%   372%   350%   266% 

While every bit helps, it’s clear that the jumps get smaller on Uniques and it takes MUCH more MF to increase unique finds even a little.


What does Bone Spirit have to do with anything?

ducking and running

But seriously, a perfect topaz is pretty much the standard thing to socket in a Skullder’s Ire. You want your sockets to play to your strengths, and the chief strength of a Skullder’s is the magic find (highest on any single item in the game, at high levels). Ist is marginally better, but you want to save them for weapons if possible: An ist in a weapon gives 30% instead of 25%, and it’s harder to get MF in weapon sockets otherwise (I think you can get up to 17% from a jewel, if I remember correctly). This is especially true since Blade of Ali Baba, naturally a very good MF weapon, comes with two sockets (and see above about playing to strengths).

And high magic find does make a difference. When my bowazon had 300% MF, Mephisto usually dropped about one rare, a couple of magical items, usually a nonmagical item, and occasionally a set or unique item. Now, with 420%, he never drops anything nonmagical, and almost always gives me a set, unique, or both. I haven’t found any über-godly equipment either with or without my MF gear, but then again, I only play a few hours a week.