I’ve been swamped and haven’t had much time to play but I was poking around today and did a quick Meph (I love magic-finding) run and found
:: cough ::
a pretty good suit of armor.
: cough ::
Listen to these specs! (my char is a Burizon)
Skullder’s Ire
Russet Armor
695 Defense
90 Durability
+1 to All Skills (I love this)
+185% Enhanced Defense
+60 Increased Durability
Magical Damage Taken Reduced by 10
Repairs 1 Durability every 5 seconds
which is all nice ‘n’ stuff
BUT—lookit this last stat
92% Better chance of getting magical item, which is nice until you see the last modifer: based on character level!!!
Now here’s the question:
What happens if I put a perfect topaz in the thing or (marginally better) an IST rune? If I understand how th’ “% based on char. level” thing works, as I go up in level, so will it. Right? (I’m level 74 right now). Will that ability to increase get fouled up if I add the gem? I don’t think it will, but…
And I don’t want to screw up the “% based on char level” thing, 'cause this could go WAY high as I increase. If I’m at 74 and it’s giving me 92%, assuming a 1 for 1 increase (which is too low or it would be 74% right now), I’ll be at 144% MF when I get to (HA!) level 100! :eek:
What I’m afraid of doing is sticking the Topaz in and seeing that poof! The armor now has a 24% MF and nothing else.
Assuming I can put a perfect Topaz in, it’ll up my current MF to 368 (and up the hypothetical total when I reach 100 to 394). Currently I’m at a 344.
According to a guide I read, the trick is to get your MF above 350 and while every point is nice, anything above 350 isn’t all that necessary, 'cause that’s when you start getting diminishing returns on Unique and Set items (and those what I’m looking for of course! ), so it’s in my best interest to put the topaz (or ITH rune, if I ever find one) in it.
Comments? Suggestions? Other MF discussion?