Diablo II Questions

OK, I used to love me some D2 back in the day. I beat Diablo with a few characters and then put the game down.

I know I am a bit behind the times on this, but I just updated from 1.0 to 1.09 yesterday. I notice a few changes in sound effects and a “repair all equipment” button, but little else. What else should I be looking for.

Is there a difference between D2 and Lord of Destruction? Is LOD an expansion pack? I know there is an expansion pack, but I am not sure is it is called LOD.

What are rune stones?

Thanks a bunch.

LOD is an expansion pack (the expansion pack I believe)
Which has a 5th section, the barbarian’s (can’t remember the name…) homeland.
Rune stones, I think, if memory serves, things that you can put in items to make them more powerful.
LOD also has two more characters, the assassin, and the necromancer.

Sorry Paradigm the two new charaters are the assassin and the druid. The assassin has several cool attacks and defensive abilites the druid can shape-shift and summon animals.

The necro has been around since classic. The other new character is the druid.

Oh, there’s so much that was added in D2X (the expansion).

I started a list of things you should know, but then realized that Blizzard already did that. Here’s a great site you should check out, that’s pretty much comprehensive of the additions:



http://www.battle.net/diablo2exp/ (check out the “Items” button).

Things to look for:

Also, v1.10 is due out in the next month, and will basically be a brand new expansion with the amount of changes and additions they’re putting into it. Don’t get too comfortable!

Most of the changes between the versions are bug fixes and balancing changes. If you didn’t have much trouble with bugs, then you won’t notice a change there, and the balancing changes only apply to some classes and items. For instance, if you have a Sorceress, in 1.0, she can cast Frozen Orb as fast as you can cllick the button, but in 1.09, she can only cast one per second. Some unique and set items had their stats changed, too, but if you have an old one, it’ll keep its old stats. And there are some uniques and sets which were added in later versions, as well.

Runes, jewels, class-specific items, and Elite items were added in the expansion pack. Runes and jewels work somewhat like gems (you can put them in socketed items). Runes also give special effects if you put them in the right order, in the right sort of item (this is a runeword), and jewels are magical (or even rare) items which can have separate prefixes and suffices, and do all sorts of different things.

Elite items are an entire group of items better than normal or exceptional items. For instance, Ghost Armor is exceptional, and looks just like the normal Quilted Armor, but it’s a lot better. A Dusk Shroud is Elite, and also looks like quilted, but it’s better yet.

And class-specific items are items which can only be used by members of the appropriate class. For instance, there are helmets now which can only be used by Barbarians. Any other class can’t even equip those helmets. These class-specific items tend to be better than the regular versions, and can have bonuses to skills or other bonuses, even if they’re not magical (sort of like staves, wands, or scepters).

In addition, LOD introduces a fifth act as well as Baal, brother of Mephisto (in this household known as “Muffy”) and Diablo, as the final badass you have to kill.

You have to kill tough monsters to reach him, but he’s easier to defeat than Diablo.

I just recently went shopping for a new game to fry my brain, and (after hearing many things about it) picked up the Diablo War Chest. It contains Diablo, Diablo II, and the Lord of Destruction expansion, as well as a 300+ page strategy guide.

Problem: I loaded up Diablo first, figuring I’d get acclimatized with it before moving on to the second installment. But while the literature that came with the set (product catalogue, etc.) indicates that this should be the full version of the game, I keep getting messages that such-n-such option isn’t available in the shareware version. It won’t let me talk to any NPCs, and I can’t go down more than two levels in the old desecrated church. In fact, trying to do the latter gives me a screen that advises I go to www.blizzard.com for information on purchasing the full version.

Needless to say, I’ve already purchased it; so I’m wondering what (if anything) I’m missing. Has anyone else had this problem?

My advice would be to email the tech support people. It’s possible the Battle Chest may have included the wrong CD by mistake. Something similar happened to me a few years ago; I bought a copy of Warcraft II: Battle Net Edition from Blizzard, which was supposed to be a duel Mac/PC version, but the CD only contained the PC version. When I reported this they mailed me a CD with the Mac version on it.

Thanks, JasonFin, I think I’ll probably do that. I just thought I might have missed something obvious to people more into gaming than myself. I’ll see what they have to say.

Ahh yes, thx for the correction, it is the druid and not the necromancer (actually I was a bit unsure looking at that after typing it). Been ages since i’ve played it =]

Oh and BTW, if you’re going to play multiplayer, make sure you make a proper B.Net character. Everyone I played with on the open games cheat to make their characters uber-powerful.